Points of departure settings

Selection settings

Table 306 Selection settings for module Points of departure.
Name Type Description
Multiple effects analysis


Specifies whether the analysis should consider multiple effects. Otherwise, a single focal effect should be selected.
Include related effects of AOP network


Include all related key events of the AOP network.

Uncertainty settings

Table 307 Uncertainty settings for module Points of departure.
Name Type Description
Perform uncertainty analysis


In probabilistic risk assessment of dietary exposure, distributions describe the variability in consumption within a given population of individuals and the variability of the occurrence and level of substances in the consumed foods. However, these calculations do not consider the amount of uncertainty that is due to the limited size of the underlying datasets.
Resample hazard characterisations or RPFs


Specifies whether to resample the hazard characterisations or relative potency factors. Requires hazard characterisation or RPF uncertainty to be quantified in DoseResponseModelsUncertain or RelativePotencyFactorsUncertain tables.