Active substances settings

Selection settings

Table 254 Selection settings for module Active substances.
Name Type Description
Multiple effects analysis


Specifies whether the analysis should consider multiple effects. Otherwise, a single focal effect should be selected.
Include related effects of AOP network


Include all related key events of the AOP network.

Calculation settings

Table 255 Calculation settings for module Active substances.
Name Type Description
Filter by certain assessment group membership


Filter substances by certain assessment group membership.
Restrict active substances to substances with available PODs


Restrict assessment group membership based on presence/absence of points of departure.
Restrict active substances to substances with available hazard characterisations


Restrict assessment group membership based on presence/absence of hazard characterisations.
Derive memberships from QSAR membership data


Specifies whether QSAR membership data is used for computing the assessment group memberships.
Derive memberships from molecular docking data


Specifies whether molecular docking data is used for computing the assessment group memberhips.
Include substances without membership information


For non-probabilistic methods: specifies whether substances for which no membership information is available in the specified inputs should be included in the assessment group.
Combination method memberships from available PODs and in-silico data
CombinationMethodMembershipInfoAndPodPresence Specifies whether to take the intersection or the union of the set of substances with available PoDs and the set of substances with positive/probable (in-silico) membership score.
Membership calculation method
AssessmentGroupMembershipCalculationMethod Calculation method for computing assessment group memberships: majority/any (crisp methods), ratio/Bayesian (probabilistic methods)
Default/prior membership probability


Default substance membership probability for which no membership information is available in the specified inputs. Prior probability for Bayesian method.
Use probabilistic assessment group memberships


Specifies whether substance memberships should be expressed in terms of probabilities (probabilistic). Otherwise, substance memberships are expressed as in or out (crisp).

Uncertainty settings

Table 256 Uncertainty settings for module Active substances.
Name Type Description
Resample assessment group memberships


Specifies whether assessment group memberships of substances should be resampled using the assessment group membership probabilities.