Human monitoring data settings

Selection settings

Table 237 Selection settings for module Human monitoring data.
Name Type Description
Exposure type
ExposureType The type of exposure considered in the assessment; acute (short term) or chronic (long-term).
Sampling method


The sampling method that should be included in the action.
Match HBM individuals selection to population definition options
IndividualSubsetType Match HBM individuals selection to population definition. Use population definitions (default), ignore all population definitions or use a selection of properties.
Select one or more individual(day) properties to filter the population


Select one or more individual(day) properties to filter the individuals(days) in the population.
Use sampling weights


If checked, individual sampling weights are used. If unchecked, the individual sampling weights are not in the calculations.
Use complete analysed samples


Select this option to remove samples from individuals for which one or more of the selected substances have not been analysed.
Exclude substances from sampling method


Select this option to exclude one or more substances from the selected sampling methods.
Substances to exclude from a sampling method


The data of the selected substances will be excluded from analysis.
Filter on repeated measurements


Select this option to make a selection of the time points to be included in the action. By default, all time points are included.
Selected measurements


The measurements that should be included in the action.
Define populations based on specified individual properties


Define a population by selecting specific ranges/values of individual properties. E.g., the female population between ages 18 and 45 is composed of the properties gender (female) and age (between 18 and 45).
Individual day subset


Individual day subset definition.
Individuals subset definitions


Contains a list of subset definitions to filter the population’s individuals based on an individual’s properties, by property name and a custom filter query, for example a value range or a list of keywords.

Output settings

Table 238 Output settings for module Human monitoring data.
Name Type Description
Exclude privacy sensitive data from outputs


Use this setting to not report the parts of the results (i.e., figures, tables, or sections) that are marked as (potentially) privacy sensitive.
Lower percentage for variability (%)


The default value of 25% may be overruled.
Upper percentage for variability (%)


The default value of 75% may be overruled.

Uncertainty settings

Table 239 Uncertainty settings for module Human monitoring data.
Name Type Description
Resample HBM individuals


HBM individual data are resampled from the original database using the bootstrap methodology (Efron 1979, Efron & Tibshirani 1993).