Unit variability factors
Unit variability factors specify the variation in concentrations between single units of the same food, which have been put together in a mixture sample on which the concentration measurements have been made. Unit variability factors are used for modelling unit variability in acute (individual) dietary exposures calculations to account for the fact that concentration data often relate to composite samples, whereas an acute risk may result from consumption of single food units. For the same purpose, they are also used in the IESTI model for single value dietary exposures calculations.
This module has as primary entities: Foods Substances
Output of this module is used by: Dietary exposures Single value dietary exposures
Unit variability factors as data
Settings used
Settings and Tiers
- Unit variability factors tiers
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2012) - Acute / Pessimistic
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Acute / Tier II