PBK model parametrisations settings

Calculation settings

Table 358 Calculation settings for module PBK model parametrisations.
Name Type Description
Multiple substances analysis


Specifies whether the assessment involves multiple substances.
Exposure routes


Exposure routes included in assessment.
Restrict active substances to substances with available hazard characterisations


Restrict assessment group membership based on presence/absence of hazard characterisations.
Number of simulated days


The total duration (in days) of the PBK model simulations.
Number of initial days skipped


The initial period (or burn-in period, specified in days) that needs to be skipped when calculating the steady-state or peak internal exposures from the simulated time series.
Use parameter variability


When specified, use parameter variability.
Number of events per day for the DERMAL dose


The daily dose is administered in equal portions (dose / number of events) per event.
Number of events per day for the INHALATION ose


The daily dose is administered in equal portions (dose / number of events) per event.
Number of events per day for the ORAL dose


The daily dose is administered in equal portions (dose / number of events) per event.
Specify the hours (events).


Specify the hours (events) on which a dose is applied. Allowed numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4,…, 24 separated by spaces.
Specify event timings


If checked, a sequence of hours can be specified, otherswise the events are derived based on the number of doses per day.
Exposure events and dose generation method
ExposureEventsGenerationMethod Generates doses and events for PBK model

Uncertainty settings

Table 359 Uncertainty settings for module PBK model parametrisations.
Name Type Description
Resample PBK model parameter values


Specifies whether PBK model parameter values are resampled.