Exposure effect functions data formats
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Exposure effect functions
Accepted table names: ExposureEffectFunctions, EffectFunctions.
Name | Type | Description | Aliases | Required |
idModel |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The unique identifier of the exposure effect model. |
idModel, Model, ModelId |
Yes |
Name |
AlphaNumeric (100) |
Name of the exposure effect model. |
Name |
No |
Description |
AlphaNumeric (200) |
Additional description or label of the exposure effect model. |
Description |
No |
idSubstance |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The substance code. |
idSubstance, Substance, SubstanceId |
Yes |
idEffect |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
Code of the effect linked to this exposure effect function. |
idEffect, EffectId, Effect, EffectCode |
Yes |
TargetLevel |
TargetLevelType | The target level. I.e., internal or external. If omitted, external is assumed. |
TargetLevel, LevelTarget |
No |
ExposureRoute |
AlphaNumeric (100) |
The exposure route(s) (only applicable if exposure level is external) for which this exposure effect function is defined. |
ExposureRoute, Route |
No |
Biological matrix |
BiologicalMatrix | The biological matrix (e.g., blood, urine) for which this exposure effect function is defined. |
BiologicalMatrix, MatrixSource, SourceMatrix |
Yes |
DoseUnit |
DoseUnit | The unit of the result of the exposure effect function. |
DoseUnit, Unit |
Yes |
ExpressionType |
ExpressionType | The expression type or adjustment method of the unit. This field specifies how the unit (target) is adjusted, e.g. for blood lipids for fat soluble biomarkers (‘mg/g lipids’) or the dilution level of the urine (‘mg/g creatinine’). |
ExpressionType, AdjustmentMethod |
No |
Effect metric |
EffectMetric | The type of risk for which this exposure effect function is defined. |
EffectMetric, Metric |
Yes |
ExposureResponseType |
ExposureResponseType | The type of specification used to define the relation between the exposure and the exposure response. |
ExposureResponseType, ErType |
Yes |
ExposureResponseSpecification |
AlphaNumeric (200) |
The specification for the exposure response. Either a mathematical expression when the exposure response type is function, or a single value if the exposure response type is perDoubling or perUnit. |
ExposureResponseSpecification, ErSpecification |
Yes |
Baseline |
Numeric (50) |
Baseline level of the exposure effect function. |
Baseline |
Yes |