Soil exposures settings

Calculation settings

Table 201 Calculation settings for module Soil exposures.
Name Type Description
Method for generating individual set for soil exposures
SoilExposuresIndividualGenerationMethod Method for generating individual set for generation of soil exposures.
Number of simulated individuals


Number of individuals that is simulated for dust exposures.
Seed for pseudo-random number generator


A value of 0 will use a pseudo-random seed in each run, a value > 0 will provide the same results in a repeated run.
Population alignment method (RSExpo) soil expsoures
PopulationAlignmentMethod Population aligment methods for (RSExpo) soil exposure sources.

Output settings

Table 202 Output settings for module Soil exposures.
Name Type Description
Lower percentage for variability (%)


The default value of 25% may be overruled.
Upper percentage for variability (%)


The default value of 75% may be overruled.
Report consumptions and exposures per individual instead of per kg body weight


Specifies whether body weights should be ignored and consumptions and exposures should be expressed per individual. Otherwise, the consumptions and exposures are per kg body weight.

Uncertainty settings

Table 203 Uncertainty settings for module Soil exposures.
Name Type Description
Lower uncertainty limit (%)


Percentage lower bound, e.g. 2.5%.
Upper uncertainty limit (%)


Percentage upper bound, e.g. 97.5%.