Change Log
Version 10.1.6 (2025-03-04)
New data module burden of disease infos (#2129)
Add StandardAction ID column in admin Standard Actions table, optionally visible using a check box
Remove set frontend limit number of simulated days for PBK model simulations to 25,000 (#2119)
Remove deprecated functionality to hard-link additional SBML PBK models
Change exposure route of dust and soil ingestion to oral
Add all documentation for soil exposure module (#2113)
Version 10.1.5 (2025-02-10)
Update SRA EU prospective dietary CRA (2024) to use the option to apply conversion of processed derivatives (#2105)
Implement method to run chronic PBK model simulations using single repeated exposures (#2106)
New module Soil exposures
Refactor ‘IsCompute’ functionality, move to ModuleConfiguration in project settings XML (#2101)
Version 10.1.4 (2025-01-31)
Update concentrations module with functionality to exclude occurrence data at the level of the processed RPC the focal commodity (#2066)
Focal food/substance functionality for MRL replacement using a settings input field for the proposed MRL (#2085)
Filter focal food concentrations/samples based on fieldTrialType (#2094)
Implement default processing factor for missing processing factors (#2095)
Add option to replace measurements of processed derivatives of the focal food, including correction for processing (#2102)
Update SRA EU prospective dietary CRA (2024) with option to choose MRL/GAP/USE scenario (#2092)
Focal food-substance combination not saved in EFSA prospective CRA 2024 (#2087)
Version 10.1.3 (2024-12-13)
Implement first draft version of a working templates example in MCRA Web (#1894)
Documentation on ‘combining dietary and non-dietary exposures’ (#2040)
Initial implementation of uploadable PBK models via data module (#2061)
Initial version of standard action for prospective dietary CRA 2024 (#2068)
Initial version of standard action for retrospective dietary CRA 2024 (#2079)
Implement uploading of SBML models (#2072)
Add ActionType column to MCRA Tasklogs database table (#2077)
Can’t send mail from within MCRA to other user (#1846)
Model-then-add modeltypes and transformations are not saved (#2080)
Version 10.1.2 (2024-11-08)
Show last successful and failed login (#1810)
Implement internal concentration and internal dose (systemic) (#1891)
Download modular design based on action mappings (#2012)
Implement expression type for kinetic conversion factors (#2019)
Implement population alignment methods (#2040)
Rename modules: “Human monitoring data” to “HBM occurences” and “Human monitoring analysis” to “HBM analysis” (#2001)
Hide not-working proast link (#2015)
Remove enum value AbsorptionFactorModel from InternalModelType, add TargetDoseLevelType.Systemic (#2026)
Rename HBM Occurences module (previously named human monitoring data) to HBM concentrations (#2039)
Sharing with use rights allows users with administrator role still to download the data (#1934)
After removing a share, the sharee can still run the action (#1935)
Terms of use window keeps appearing on repeated logins and doesn’t get saved (#2032)
Create internal exposures action: remove option “Undefined”, remove option “External dose” issue 2059, 2060 (#2059, #2060)
Version 10.1.1 (2024-09-20)
Implement PbkModels interface
Allow plug-in of additional SBML PBK models in frontend and simulation service
Update frontend with panels and forms for new dust exposure assessment modules
Move compartment to target exposures module
Split kinetic models into AbsorptionFactors (KineticModels) and KineticConversionFactors module
Remove deprecated and unused setting CodeKineticModel (#2007)
Imported zip of converted full action from standard action opens as standard action (#1984)
Correct visibility update behaviour of form controls for dynamic setting groups (#2002)
Notification of new user registration email is not sent (#2016)
Version 10.1.0 (2024-08-15)
Automated job to disable inactive user accounts (#1715)
Add rate limiting for failed login attempts (#1809)
Restructure MCRA settings XML format to group settings per module (#581)
Migrate code base from .NET 6 to .NET 8 (#1833)
Upgrade R to version 4.4.1 and rtools to 4.4 (#1966)
EFSA 2023 SRAs pro- and retrospective (#1961)
Cannot convert to target matrix blood when blood is not present as sampling method in HBM data (#1960)
Version 10.0.15 (2024-06-21)
Update EFSA 2023 Standard actions pro- and retrospective (#1961)
Version 10.0.14 (2024-06-18)
SA Risk steatosis from imazalil seems broken: can’t download action+data as zipped CSV (#1948)
Remove default CodeFocalEffect from Eu 2023 prospective standard action settings
Update access level when access level was previously set without subfolders (#1928)
Version 10.0.13 (2024-05-28)
Add settings tiers for Prospective Dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) (#1924)
Do not show substance weighting of mixtures option in create new action dialog of dietary exposures (#1943)
Retrospective and prospective SA 2022 defaults, remove checksums from SA definition
Version 10.0.12 (2024-05-21)
Add password expiration functionality (#1714)
Kinetic conversion for specific biomarkers in hbm analysis (#1827)
Extend registration form with fields for organisation, PARC, and purpose (#1920)
Documentation: add more info on LOD and LOQ imputation (#1904)
EU prospective SA 2023 should use gap scenario and default percentage should be 20
Place standard actions in alphabetic order in window “Create new standard action” (#1914)
Decouple MCR settings / analysis in different modules (e.g. MCR in Risks and HBM analysis) (#1931)
Selecting checkbox of apply biomarker conversion no longer auto selects convert to checkbox (#1923)
Version 10.0.11 (2024-04-12)
Filtering of hbm data on time points (#1782)
Running two opex products for compute action single value non-dietary exposures (#1796)
Specific gravity from creatinine urine adjustment method by Busgang et al. (#1874)
Option in to skip privacy sensitive outputs in report (#1882)
New expression type for specific gravity (#1896)
Implement new option nondetects handling (#1905)
Split Busgang urine specific gravity normalisation into age and non-age dependent methods (#1903)
Draw from censored lognormal using nondetect and nonquantification information (#1904)
Updates to EFSA CRA 2023 prospective and retrospective standard actions
Remove hbm analysis option to convert using default value 1 (#1829)
Version 10.0.10 (2024-03-07)
Remove conversion factor 1 when target level external in hbm analysis (#1829)
Update acknowledgement efsa on landing page (#1892)
Prevent password reuse (#1879)
Tables for single value non-dietary exposures (#1860)
Version 10.0.9 (2024-02-27)
New module single value non-dietary exposures (#1733)
New standard action prospective EFSA data 2019-2021 (#1856)
Implement ‘use kinetic conversion factor subgroup’ setting (#1868)
Add specific gravity from creatinine adjusted method Carrieri 2001 (#1874)
HBM analysis: update biomarker conversion to allow for biomarker conversion subgroups (age/sex) (#1844)
Kernel calculation in R for violin plots fails when vector contains infinities (#1869)
Human monitoring analysis settings: order of settings is incorrect (#1876)
Version 10.0.8 (2024-02-12)
Update standard action retrospective CRA with EFSA 2019-2021 data (#1823)
HBM analysis: change order of settings in input form (#1839)
Version 10.0.7 (2024-02-02)
First draft version of standard action retrospective SRA with EFSA 2019-2021 data (#1823)
Add uncertainty columns to RawkineticConversionFactor table (#1845)
Wrong data source version is shown and used in MCRA for a datasource with multiple versions (#1848)
Version 10.0.6 (2024-01-26)
Improve loading speed frontend for large concentration datasets (#1542)
Add ‘clickjacking’ protection to MCRA website by hiding content when site is loaded in an IFrame
PDF fails to render due to large AnalyticalMethods section (#1831)
Can’t delete an MCRA user group when repositories still reference it (#1832)
Bug in concentration models settings form in frontend: cannot set MRL fallback model (#1834)
Version 10.0.5 (2023-12-21)
Additional changes for MCR analysis in risks module (#1784)
Version 10.0.4 (2023-12-18)
Add general information columns (publication title e.o.) to RPF table (#1772)
Allow for hazard-characterizations to vary as function of a covariate: example age-dependent HBM-GV for PFAS (#1778)
Implement MCR analysis in risks module (#1784)
Rename MarginOfExposure and HazardIndex of type-definition/enum RiskMetricType (#1705)
Use EN-US number input field with decimal point and not decimal comma (#1781)
Version 10.0.3 (2023-12-01)
Terms of use and disclaimer (#1583)
Kinetic conversion models for metabolites (#1683)
Extend standard action mra metals for effect dnt (#1689)
Implement BMDL (#1788)
HBM data exclude substance - sampling method combinations (#1795)
Show number of non-analysed samples in hbm data samples summary (#1797)
MCRA security: make 2FA compulsory for all MCRA accounts (#1765)
Always show top right help icon in MCRA web app
User groups not visible for non-admin MCRA users
Remove strong password validation check on Lost QR code form
Version 10.0.2 (2023-10-26)
No changes in MCRA Web
Version 10.0.1 (2023-10-23)
Bootstrap hbm monitoring data (#1405)
MCRA security: two-factor authentication (2FA) (#1582)
Implement PARC-HBM data format reader to support codebook v2.3 (#1649)
Basic implementation kinetic conversion factors (#1658, #1660)
Create separate matrix selection settings for kinetic models and HBM analysis (#1684)
Exclude substances from urine or blood normalisation - standardisation (#1659, #1703)
Implement kinetic conversion factors (#1695)
Add biological matrix and expression type to points of departure (POD) data table (#1724)
Hazard characterisations uncertain (#1742)
Update HBM demo standard action on bisphenols to include Karrer kinetic model (#1251)
Update frontend action details form to show progress spinner on setting/change data sources (#1672)
Remove action tiers from module definitions to tier/template files per tier (#1673)
Using new risk metric names for section paths in standard actions (#1679)
Allow multiple/nested HTML tab panels in output section views
Wrong thousands separator in number of Monte Carlo iterations (#1645)
Import HBM data should read in correct biological matrix (#1685)
Convert to single target for hazard characterisations (#1696)
Substance-specific intraspecies conversion of HC does not work (#1710)
Delete data folder and show data source usage (#1713)
Version 10.0.0 (2023-06-23)
Public release of Open MCRA Core source code on GitHub.
Update short report template for EFSA 2022 acute cranio
Adjust text on MCRA home page for MCRA 10 (#1627)
Adjust documentation, settings and URIs for MCRA 10 (#1627)
Inconsistencies in setting visibility and selected module tiers, add documentation (#1632)
Delete action unnecessarily loads settings (#1646)
Username is not saved when creating an external repository
Wrong tier selection in SA EU chronic exposure assessment (2018) and Training Prospective Chronic (#1650)
Version 9.2.10 (2023-06-01)
Download loop task output (html, tables, charts) creates a zip file with all sub-task outputs (#1530)
Version number of data source in RPF action input summary shows wrong version (#1604)
Show correct tier setting for single value risk in SA cranio efsa 2022 (#1635)
Version 9.2.9 (2023-05-24)
Implement support for missing bodyweights in MCRA (#1585)
Documentation imputation with zero and biological matrix conversion (#1603)
Add ‘compare sub tasks’ to single value risk module (#1606)
Clean up the contents of the downloadable HTML zip report: move CSV, SVG and metadata files into subfolders (#1361)
Update EFSA 2022 SRA cranio to use the new EFSA 2022 settings tiers (#1544)
Update create action wizard of risks module (and single value risks) to include risk metric choice (#1574)
Update the two standard actions for training prospective CRA with option to run scenario GAP + 20% use (#1621)
Data folders in Workspace data tab are not scrollable (#1572)
Human monitoring data allows to run without specifying survey (#1593)
Correct update method of automatic forms so that also the item visibilities are also properly updated after form submission (#1628)
Version 9.2.8 (2023-04-25)
Update HTML report in zip download with toc-functionality to make it easier to browse through (#1409)
Risks: Implement cumulative as sum of single-substance ratios (Exposure/Hazard) (#1528)
Add documentation core and web (#1448)
Data sources view is not updated/refreshed after upload new data source version (#1512)
User name input check for reset password is not correct (#1594)
Setting Multiple effects gives error (#1595)
Version 9.2.7 (2023-04-03)
Separate substance-weighing option for MCR and mixtures analysis and add checkbox to compute or not compute MCR in HBM analysis actions (#1499)
Show ‘Created’ date in admin users panel (#1523)
Add standardisation methods for blood and urine (#1359, #1477)
Implement initial version of SRA acute CRA of craniofacial alterations EFSA 2022 (#1464)
Remove MCRA version select page, MCRA 9 is now the default
Update exposure mixtures module with option to log-transform data before network analysis (#1531)
Hide option for reference substance equivalents when cumulative does not apply for the action (#1502)
Version 9.2.6 (2023-03-10)
Add compartments including cumulative amounts like urine (#1272)
Allow hbm as input for risks (#1394)
Add documentation about allocation of substances (#1473)
Add new model substance approvals (#1461)
Remove service worker functionality from Angular app
Change MCRA URLs to point to static Documentation URL (#889)
Move and update documentation section on HBM4EU/PARC HBM data format (#1427)
Update Angular version to v15.0 (#1468)
Unique constraint of Hazard Characterisations table is too strict (#1491)
Keep report name tabs visible when scrolling through report comparison view
File upload failed: max upload file size was not configured correctly
Fixed subset range editor
Transaction deadlocked on lock resources in Job scheduler and simulation worker (#1487)
Job scheduler does not assign jobs correctly (#1489)
Null reference exception when changing data source (#1501)
Exception when trying to view task settings in admin tasks panel
Report comparison fails to load
Can’t compare outputs of a loop task in tabbed output view, TOC doesn’t work (#1509, #1510)
Error messages are not displayed correctly in web application
Missing user account when e-mail verification fails (#1520)
Version 9.2.5 (2023-02-10)
Documentation: added section on CLI (#1450)
Update third party packages (NuGet) for MCRA Web
Failed dataset upload still creates a data source record in the repository (#1483)
Version 9.2.4 (2023-02-03)
Add documentation of HBM4EU/PARC HBM data format (#1427)
Add maximum percentage missing value percentage imputation hbm data (#1470)
Add population characteristics Real Life Mixtures (#1475)
Update HBM analysis module to include imputation of missing data method established within HBM4EU/PARC RLM (#1397)
Update HBM data/analysis module to allow for analysis of concentrations of multiple sampling methods/matrices (#1398)
Implement changed rules for sending automatic mail from WUR and RIVM (#1466)
Move internalconcentrationtype to assessment settings
Download action + data (data as zipped csv) fails (#1451)
Loop task output doesn’t show the comparison between the looped actions (#1459)
New user registration in MCRA returns 400 Bad Request (#1465)
Load correct png mime type for safety chart
Upload of Demo HBM bisphenols standard action data fails (#1472)
Version 9.2.3 (2023-01-16)
Implement chlorpyrifos kinetic model with metabolites (#1285)
Removed unit test report results from admin page (#1441)
Allow links to MCRA documentation on other servers (#1457)
Documentation shows no version of MCRA in colophon
Documentation links to web API documentation and web application
Can’t view info in data browser of a shared data source (#1458)
Version 9.2.2 (2022-12-20)
Documentation: Add PARC Real-life mixture guidance documents (pdf) and related data to the User guide - Examples section (#1366)
Update HBM analysis module with non-detects imputation method according to method established within HBM4EU/PARC RLM (#1396)
Fix reference to dietary exposures section in risks output section (#1331)
MCRA Build date-time not displayed correctly (#1410)
Settings in overview only show headers and no settings (#1442)
Mixtures crashes when no concentrations for HBM data are available (#1443)
Output collection of task with subtask fails (#1444)
MCRA settings loading fails: allow floating point literals (NaN, Inf etc) in Json serialization