Consumptions data are the amounts of foods consumed on specific days by individuals in a food consumption survey. For acute exposure assessments, the interest is in a population of person-days, so one day per individual may be sufficient. For chronic exposure assessments, the interest is in a population of persons, so preferably two or more days per individual are needed.
This module has as primary entities: Populations Foods
Output of this module is used by: Food conversions Consumptions by modelled food
Consumptions as data
Settings used
Settings and Tiers
- Consumptions settings
- Consumptions tiers
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Chronic / Tier II
- Consumptions uncertainty