Food conversions

Food conversions relate foods-as-eaten, as found in the consumption data, to modelled foods (foods-as-measured), which are the foods for which concentration data are available. A food-as-eaten can be linked to one, or multiple food-as-measured using various conversion steps (e.g., using food recipes to translate a composite food into its ingredients). There are several types of conversion steps, and a conversion path may comprise multiple conversion steps between a food-as-eaten and a food-as-measured.

This module has as primary entities: Foods Substances

Output of this module is used by: Consumptions by food as measured Dietary exposures

Calculation of food conversions

Food conversions are computed recursively, starting with a food-as-eaten and following a path to ingredients (food recipes), super/sup-type foods, etc. until either arriving at a food-as-measured (commonly the raw primary commodities) or concluding that the path does not lead to a food-as-measured.

Inputs used: Consumptions Modelled foods Processing factors Food recipes Market shares Food extrapolations Total diet study sample compositions Active substances

Settings used