Single value consumptions calculation

Single value consumptions can be supplied as data or computed from consumptions by food as measured. Specify the ‘Use data’ option in the interface to supply single value consumptions as data. Specify option ‘Compute’ in the single value consumptions action.

When single value consumptions are computed from consumptions by food as measured, then the mean, median and large portion (p97.5 percentile) are computed for all food as measured consumption distributions. Besides these statistics, also the mean bodyweight of the population is computed. The following options are relevant in this calculation:

  • Set the risk type option to acute to compute the single value consumptions based on the individual-day distributions. Set this option to chronic to compute the single value consumptions based on the distributions aggregated by individual.

  • Check the use processing option to compute the single value consumptions for the processed foods. When using this option, the output will also show a reverse yield factor, that is the ratio of the quantity of the raw commodity required to to obtain the processed commodity.

  • Check the restrict population to consumers or consumer days only (food-as-measured) option to compute the single value consumption statistics for each food based on the food consumers only. Note that checking this option will also affect the computed bodyweight, which is then computed by food based on the food-consumers only and can be different for each food.

  • Check the ignore sampling weights option to ignore individual sampling weights in the calculation.

  • Check the standardise consumption with body weight before calculation of single values or afterwards (with mean bodyweight) option to compute the single value consumptions from the per bodyweight distribution. If unchecked, the per-person distribution will be used for computing the statistics. Note that although the results are reported per-day, the statistics are established by multiplying the statistics obtained from the per bw distribution by the bodyweight.

When single value concentrations as data is specified, see single value concentrations module select the option derive modelled foods from single value concentrations in the single value dietary exposure module. When single value concentrations are computed from concentrations distributions, the supply concentration data in the concentrations module and check option derive modelled foods from concentrations in the single value dietary exposure module.