Publications using MCRA


  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), P.S. Craig, B. Dujardin, A. Hart, A.F. Hernandez-Jerez, S. Hougaard Bennekou, C. Kneuer, B. Ossendorp, R. Pedersen, G. Wolterink, and L. Mohimont. Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have chronic effects on the thyroid. EFSA Journal, 18(4):e06088, 2020. URL:

  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), P.S. Craig, B. Dujardin, A. Hart, A.F. Hernández-Jerez, S. Hougaard Bennekou, C. Kneuer, B. Ossendorp, R. Pedersen, G. Wolterink, and L. Mohimont. Cumulative dietary risk characterisation of pesticides that have acute effects on the nervous system. EFSA Journal, 18(4):e06087, 2020. URL:

  • A. Beronius, J. Zilliacus, A. Hanberg, M. Luijten, van der Voet, H, and J. van Klaveren. Methodology for health risk assessment of combined exposures to multiple chemicals. Food and Chemical Toxicology, pages 111520, July 2020. URL:

  • J. Cotterill, N. Price, E. Rorije, and A. Peijnenburg. Development of a QSAR model to predict hepatic steatosis using freely available machine learning tools. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 142:111494, August 2020. URL:

  • B.C. Fischer, S. Rotter, J. Schubert, P. Marx-Stoelting, and R. Solecki. Recommendations for international harmonisation, implementation and further development of suitable scientific approaches regarding the assessment of mixture effects. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 141:111388, July 2020. URL:

  • C. Karrer, M. Andreassen, N. von Goetz, F. Sonnet, A.K. Sakhi, K. Hungerbühler, H. Dirven, and T. Husøy. The EuroMix human biomonitoring study: source-to-dose modeling of cumulative and aggregate exposure for the bisphenols BPA, BPS, and BPF and comparison with measured urinary levels. Environment International, 136:105397, March 2020. URL:

  • M.C. Kennedy, A.D.M. Hart, J.W. Kruisselbrink, M. van Lenthe, W.J. de Boer, H. van der Voet, E. Rorije, C. Sprong, and J. van Klaveren. A retain and refine approach to cumulative risk assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 138:111223, April 2020. URL:

  • C. Sprong, A. Crépet, F. Metruccio, U. Blaznik, C. Anagnostopoulos, D.L. Christodoulou, B.H. Jensen, M. Kennedy, N. González, I. Rehurkova, J. Ruprich, J.D. te Biesebeek, M. Vanacker, A. Moretto, and J. van Klaveren. Cumulative dietary risk assessment overarching different regulatory silos using a margin of exposure approach: a case study with three chemical silos. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 142:111416, August 2020. URL:

  • C. Tebby, H. van der Voet, G. de Sousa, E. Rorije, V. Kumar, W. de Boer, J.W. Kruisselbrink, F.Y. Bois, M. Faniband, A. Moretto, and C. Brochot. A generic PBTK model implemented in the MCRA platform: predictive performance and uses in risk assessment of chemicals. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 142:111440, August 2020. URL:

  • A.D. van den Brand, M. Beukers, M. Niekerk, G. van Donkersgoed, M. van der Aa, B. van de Ven, A. Bulder, H. van der Voet, and C.R. Sprong. Assessment of the combined nitrate and nitrite exposure from food and drinking water: application of uncertainty around the nitrate to nitrite conversion factor. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 37(4):568–582, January 2020. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, M.S. van Lenthe, J.J.B. van den Heuvel, A. Crépet, M.C. Kennedy, J. Zilliacus, A. Beronius, C. Tebby, C. Brochot, C. Luckert, A. Lampen, E. Rorije, C. Sprong, and J.D. van Klaveren. The MCRA toolbox of models and data to support chemical mixture risk assessment. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 138:111185, April 2020. URL:

  • M. Vanacker, P. Quindroit, K. Angeli, C. Mandin, P. Glorennec, C. Brochot, and A. Crépet. Aggregate and cumulative chronic risk assessment for pyrethroids in the French adult population. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 143:111519, September 2020. URL:

  • C. Vlachou, D. Hofstädter, E. Rauscher-Gabernig, A. Griesbacher, K. Fuchs, and J. König. Risk assessment of nitrites for the Austrian adult population with probabilistic modelling of the dietary exposure. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 143:111480, September 2020. URL:


  • F.Y. Bois, C. Tebby, and C. Brochot. EuroMix PBPK model for combined exposures. 2019. URL:

  • A. Boobis. Report of EuroMix workshops on international harmonisation on the risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals. 2019. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, M. Van Der Aa, A. Dusseldorp, P. Janssen, M.J. Zeilmaker, and S. Schulpen. Loodinname via kraanwater: blootstellingsschatting en risicobeoordeling voor diverse risicogroepen. RIVM Letter report 2019-0090, 2019. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, G. Van Donkersgoed, W. Van Der Vossen, M. Sam, M.Y. Noordam, and H. Van Der Schee. Tussenevaluatie van de nota ‘gezonde groei, duurzame oogst’. RIVM Letter report 2018-0127, 2019. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, M.J. Zeilmaker, and M.J.B. Mengelers. Risicobeoordeling van GenX en PFOA in moestuingewassen in helmond. RIVM Letter report 2019-0024, 2019. URL:

  • A. Crépet, M. Vanacker, C. Sprong, W. de Boer, U. Blaznik, M. Kennedy, C. Anagnostopoulos, D.L. Christodoulou, J. Ruprich, I. Rehurkova, J.L. Domingo, B.H. Jensen, F. Metruccio, A. Moretto, L. Jacxsens, P. Spanoghe, D. Senaeve, H. van der Voet, and J. van Klaveren. Selecting mixtures on the basis of dietary exposure and hazard data: application to pesticide exposure in the European population in relation to steatosis. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 222(2):291–306, March 2019. URL:

  • J. de Rop, D. Senaeve, L. Jacxsens, M. Houbraken, J. van Klaveren, and P. Spanoghe. Cumulative probabilistic risk assessment of triazole pesticides in Belgium from 2011-2014. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36(6):911–921, April 2019. URL:

  • B. Fischer, J. Schubert, S. Rotter, and R. Solecki. Specific recommendations regarding implementation of mechanism‐based test strategy for harmonised cumulative risk assessment according oecd, who, efsa and EuroMix guidance. 2019. URL:

  • G. Heinemeyer, M. Jantunen, and P. Hakkinen. The Practice of Consumer Exposure Assessment. Springer International Publishing, 2019. URL:

  • C. Karrer, W. de Boer, C. Delmaar, Y. Cai, A. Crépet, K. Hungerbühler, and N. von Goetz. Linking probabilistic exposure and pharmacokinetic modeling to assess the cumulative risk from the bisphenols BPA, BPS, BPF, and BPAF for Europeans. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(15):9181–9191, July 2019. URL:

  • M. Kennedy, A. Hart, J.W. Kruisselbrink, M. van Lenthe, W. de Boer, H. van der Voet, E. Rorije, C. Sprong, and J. van Klaveren. Methodology and results of the retain and refine approach. 2019. URL:

  • M.C. Kennedy, D.G. Garthwaite, W.J. de Boer, and J.W. Kruisselbrink. Modelling aggregate exposure to pesticides from dietary and crop spray sources in UK residents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26(10):9892–9907, February 2019. URL:

  • A.E. Kolbaum, K. Berg, F. Müller, O. Kappenstein, and O. Lindtner. Dietary exposure to elements from the German pilot total diet study (TDS). Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 36(12):1822–1836, October 2019. URL:

  • B. Sachse, A.E. Kolbaum, R. Ziegenhagen, S. Andres, K. Berg, B. Dusemund, K.I. Hirsch-Ernst, O. Kappenstein, F. Müller, C. Röhl, O. Lindtner, A. Lampen, and B. Schäfer. Dietary manganese exposure in the adult population in Germany—what does it mean in relation to health risks? Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 63(16):1900065, July 2019. URL:

  • T. Tietz, A. Lenzner, A.E. Kolbaum, S. Zellmer, C. Riebeling, R. Gürtler, C. Jung, O. Kappenstein, J. Tentschert, M. Giulbudagian, S. Merkel, R. Pirow, O. Lindtner, T. Tralau, B. Schäfer, P. Laux, M. Greiner, A. Lampen, A. Luch, R. Wittkowski, and A. Hensel. Aggregated aluminium exposure: risk assessment for the general population. Archives of Toxicology, 93(12):3503–3521, October 2019. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, M.S. van Lenthe, J.J.B. van den Heuvel, A. Crépet, M.C. Kennedy, J. Zilliacus, A. Beronius, E. Rorije, C. Sprong, and J.D. van Klaveren. The EuroMix model toolbox MCRA 9. 2019. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, M.S. van Lenthe, J.J.B. van den Heuvel, A. Crépet, M.C. Kennedy, J. Zilliacus, A. Beronius, C. Tebby, C. Brochot, E. Rorije, C. Sprong, and J.D. van Klaveren. Draft paper on the EuroMix toolbox of models and data to support chemical mixture risk assessment. 2019. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, G. van Donkersgoed, J.D. te Biesebeek, M. Sam, and H. van der Voet. Cumulative dietary exposure assessment of pesticides that have acute effects on the nervous system using MCRA software. EFSA Supporting Publications, 16(9):1708E, 2019. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, G. van Donkersgoed, J.D. te Biesebeek, M. Sam, and H. van der Voet. Cumulative dietary exposure assessment of pesticides that have chronic effects on the thyroid using MCRA software. EFSA Supporting Publications, 16(9):1707E, 2019. URL:

  • M.S. van Lenthe, W.J. de Boer, J.W. Kruisselbrink, H. van der Voet, A. Crépet, M. Vanacker, and L. Trocellier. Validation of the EuroMix model toolbox and comparison with us software. 2019. URL:

  • J. Zilliacus, A. Beronius, A. Hanberg, M. Luijten, J. van Klaveren, and H. van der Voet. EuroMix handbook for mixture risk assessment. 2019. URL:

  • J. Zilliacus, E. Rorije, M. Kennedy, and J. van Klaveren. Proceedings and training material from second training session for stakeholders. 2019. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, J.D. Te Biesebeek, H. Brants, M.C. Bouwmeester, and E.V.S. Hessel. Dietary sources of exposure to bisphenol A in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2017-0187, 2018. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, G. Van Donkersgoed, J.D. Te Biesebeek, G. Wolterink, and A.G. Rietveld. Cumulative exposure to residues of plant protection products via food in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2017-0018, 2018. URL:

  • Jardim, A.N.O, D.C. Mello, A.P. Brito, H. van der Voet, P.E. Boon, and E.D. Caldas. Probabilistic dietary risk assessment of triazole and dithiocarbamate fungicides for the Brazilian population. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 118:317–327, August 2018. URL:

  • Jardim, A.N.O, D.C. Mello, A.P. Brito, G. van Donkersgoed, P.E. Boon, and E.D. Caldas. Dietary cumulative acute risk assessment of organophosphorus, carbamates and pyrethroids insecticides for the Brazilian population. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 112:108–117, February 2018. URL:

  • M. Mengelers, J.D. Te Biesebeek, M. Schipper, W. Slob, and P.E. Boon. Risicobeoordeling van GenX en PFOA in moestuingewassen in Dordrecht, Papendrecht en Sliedrecht. RIVM Letter report 2017-0017, 2018. URL:

  • S. Rotter, A. Beronius, A.R. Boobis, A. Hanberg, J. van Klaveren, M. Luijten, K. Machera, D. Nikolopoulou, H. van der Voet, J. Zilliacus, and R. Solecki. Overview on legislation and scientific approaches for risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals: the potential EuroMix contribution. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 48(9):796–814, October 2018. URL:

  • J. Suomi, P. Tuominen, S. Niinistö, S.M. Virtanen, and K. Savela. Dietary heavy metal exposure of Finnish children of 3 to 6 years. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 35(7):1305–1315, June 2018. URL:

  • B.M. van De Ven, S. Fragki, J.D. te Biesebeek, A.G. Rietveld, and P.E. Boon. Mineral oils in food; a review of toxicological data and an assessment of the dietary exposure in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2017-0018, 2018. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, J.D. te Biesebeek, and G. van Donkersgoed. Dietary exposure to lead in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2016-0206, 2017. URL:

  • K. Presser, C. Zoom, J. Szymanek, and G. Zappa. Development of a pilot service for the electronic infrastructure of METROFOOD-RI. In Proceedings of 3rd IMEKOFOODS Conference: Metrology Promoting Harmonization and Standardization in Food and Nutrition. International Measurement Confederation, 2017. URL:

  • C. Sieke, B. Michalski, and T. Kuhl. Probabilistic dietary risk assessment of pesticide residues in foods for the German population based on food monitoring data from 2009 to 2014. Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology, 28(1):46–54, July 2017. URL:

  • R.C. Sprong, E.M. Niekerk, and M.H. Beukers. Intake assessment of the food additives nitrites (e 249 and e 250) and nitrates (e 251 and e 252). RIVM Letter report 2016-0208, 2017. URL:


  • P.E. Boon and J.D. te Biesebeek. Preliminary assessment of dietary exposure to 3-MCPD in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2015-0199, 2016. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, J.D. te Biesebeek, S.P.J. van Leeuwen, M.J. Zeilmaker, and L.A.P. Hoogenboom. Dietary exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2016-0037, 2016. URL:

  • C Rompelberg, M.B. Heringa, G. van Donkersgoed, J. Drijvers, A. Roos, S. Westenbrink, R. Peters, G. van Bemmel, W. Brand, and A.G. Oomen. Oral intake of added titanium dioxide and its nanofraction from food products, food supplements and toothpaste by the Dutch population. Nanotoxicology, 10(10):1404–1414, September 2016. URL:

  • R.C. Sprong, L. de Wit-Bos, J.D. te Biesebeek, M. Alewijn, P. Lopez, and M.J.B. Mengelers. A mycotoxin-dedicated total diet study in the Netherlands in 2013: part III – exposure and risk assessment. World Mycotoxin Journal, 9(1):109–128, February 2016. URL:

  • C.L. Stephenson and C.A. Harris. An assessment of dietary exposure to glyphosate using refined deterministic and probabilistic methods. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 95:28–41, September 2016. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, W.J. de Boer, J.W. Kruisselbrink, G. van Donkersgoed, and J.D. van Klaveren. MCRA made scalable for large cumulative assessment groups. EFSA Supporting Publications, 13(1):910E, 2016. URL:


  • Y. Akhandaf, J. van Klaveren, S. de Henauw, G. van Donkersgoed, T. van Gorcum, A. Papadopoulos, V. Sirot, M. Kennedy, H. Pinchen, J. Ruprich, I. Rehurkova, G. Perelló, and I. Sioen. Exposure assessment within a total diet study: a comparison of the use of the pan-European classification system FoodEx-1 with national food classification systems. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 78:221–229, April 2015. URL:

  • U. Blaznik, A. Yngve, I. Eržen, and C.H. Ribič. Consumption of fruits and vegetables and probabilistic assessment of the cumulative acute exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides of schoolchildren in Slovenia. Public Health Nutrition, 19(3):557–563, May 2015. URL:

  • P.E. Boon and H. Van der Voet. Probabilistic dietary exposure models relevant for acute and chronic exposure assessment of adverse chemicals via food. RIVM Letter report 2015-0191, 2015. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, G. van Donkersgoed, D. Christodoulou, A. Crépet, L. D’Addezio, V. Desvignes, B. Ericsson, F. Galimberti, E. Ioannou-Kakouri, B.H. Jensen, I. Rehurkova, J. Rety, J. Ruprich, S. Sand, C. Stephenson, A. Strömberg, A. Turrini, H. van der Voet, P. Ziegler, P. Hamey, and J.D. van Klaveren. Cumulative dietary exposure to a selected group of pesticides of the triazole group in different European countries according to the EFSA guidance on probabilistic modelling. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:13–31, May 2015. URL:

  • D. He, X. Ye, Y. Xiao, N. Zhao, J. Long, P. Zhang, Y. Fan, S. Ding, X. Jin, C. Tian, S. Xu, and C. Ying. Dietary exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in metropolitan population from China: a risk assessment based on probabilistic approach. Chemosphere, 139:2–8, November 2015. URL:

  • R. Jacobs, H. van der Voet, and C.J.F. ter Braak. Integrated probabilistic risk assessment for nanoparticles: the case of nanosilica in food. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, June 2015. URL:

  • M.C. Kennedy, C.R. Glass, B. Bokkers, A.D.M. Hart, P.Y. Hamey, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. de Boer, H. van der Voet, D.G. Garthwaite, and J.D. van Klaveren. A European model and case studies for aggregate exposure assessment of pesticides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:32–44, May 2015. URL:

  • M.C. Kennedy, C.R. Glass, S. Fustinoni, A. Moretto, S. Mandic-Rajcevic, P. Riso, A. Turrini, H. van der Voet, M.T. Hetmanski, R.J. Fussell, and J.D. van Klaveren. Testing a cumulative and aggregate exposure model using biomonitoring studies and dietary records for Italian vineyard spray operators. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:45–53, May 2015. URL:

  • M.C. Kennedy, H. van der Voet, V.J. Roelofs, W. Roelofs, C.R. Glass, W.J. de Boer, J.W. Kruisselbrink, and A.D.M. Hart. New approaches to uncertainty analysis for use in aggregate and cumulative risk assessment of pesticides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:54–64, May 2015. URL:

  • F.R. Mancini, V. Sirot, L. Busani, J.L. Volatier, and M. Hulin. Use and impact of usual intake models on dietary exposure estimate and risk assessment of chemical substances: a practical example for cadmium, acrylamide and sulphites. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 32(7):1065–1074, May 2015. URL:

  • R.C. Sprong and P.E. Boon. Dietary exposure to cadmium in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2015-0085, 2015. URL:

  • J. Suomi, J. Ranta, P. Tuominen, T. Putkonen, C. Bäckman, M.L. Ovaskainen, S.M. Virtanen, and K. Savela. Quantitative risk assessment on the dietary exposure of Finnish children and adults to nitrite. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 33(1):41–53, November 2015. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, W.J. de Boer, J.W. Kruisselbrink, P.W. Goedhart, G.W.A.M. van der Heijden, M.C. Kennedy, P.E. Boon, and J.D. van Klaveren. The MCRA model for probabilistic single-compound and cumulative risk assessment of pesticides. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:5–12, May 2015. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, M.C. Kennedy, A. Moretto, W. Verbeke, H. van der Voet, and P.E. Boon. The ACROPOLIS project: its aims, achievements, and way forward. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 79:1–4, May 2015. URL:


  • P.E. Boon. Estimation of the acute dietary exposure to pesticides using the probabilistic approach and the point estimate methodology. European Journal of Nutrition & Food Safety, 4(1):1–3, January 2014. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, J.D. te Biesebeek, L. de Wit, and G. van Donkersgoed. Dietary exposure to dioxins in the Netherlands. RIVM Letter report 2014-0001, 2014. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, H. van der Voet, J. Ruprich, A. Turrini, S. Sand, and J.D. van Klaveren. Computational tool for usual intake modelling workable at the European level. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 74:279–288, December 2014. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, J.W. Kruisselbrink, W.J. Boer, and P.E. Boon. Model-then-add: usual intake modelling of multimodal intake distributions. RIVM Letter report 090133001/2014, 2014. URL:


  • A.J.C. Roodenburg, A.J. van Ballegooijen, M. Dötsch-Klerk, H. van der Voet, and J.C. Seidell. Modelling of usual nutrient intakes: potential impact of the Choices programme on nutrient intakes in young Dutch adults. PLoS ONE, 8(8):e72378, August 2013. URL:

  • E.H.M. Temme, H. van der Voet, J.T.N.M. Thissen, J. Verkaik-Kloosterman, G. van Donkersgoed, and S. Nonhebel. Replacement of meat and dairy by plant-derived foods: estimated effects on land use, iron and SFA intakes in young Dutch adult females. Public Health Nutrition, 16(10):1900–1907, February 2013. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, J.D. te Biesebeek, I. Sioen, I. Huybrechts, J. Moschandreas, J. Ruprich, A. Turrini, M. Azpiri, L. Busk, T. Christensen, M. Kersting, L. Lafay, K.-H. Liukkonen, S. Papoutsou, L. Serra-Majem, I. Traczyk, S. de Henauw, and J.D. van Klaveren. Long-term dietary exposure to lead in young European children: comparing a pan-European approach with a national exposure assessment. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 29(11):1701–1715, November 2012. URL:

  • P.W. Goedhart, H. van der Voet, S. Knüppel, A.L.M. Dekkers, K.W. Dodd, H. Boeing, and J. van Klaveren. A comparison by simulation of different methods to estimate the usual intake distribution for episodically consumed foods. EFSA Supporting Publications, 9(6):299E, 2012. URL:

  • I. Sioen, T. Fierens, M. van Holderbeke, L. Geerts, M. Bellemans, M. de Maeyer, K. Servaes, G. Vanermen, P.E. Boon, and S. de Henauw. Phthalates dietary exposure and food sources for Belgian preschool children and adults. Environment International, 48:102–108, November 2012. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, P.W. Goedhart, D. Wapperom, and H. van der Voet. A European tool for usual intake distribution estimation in relation to data collection by EFSA. EFSA Supporting Publications, 9(6):300E, 2012. URL:

  • EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR). Guidance on the use of probabilistic methodology for modelling dietary exposure to pesticide residues. EFSA Journal, 10(10):2839, 2012. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, M. Bonthuis, H. van der Voet, and J.D. van Klaveren. Comparison of different exposure assessment methods to estimate the long-term dietary exposure to dioxins and ochratoxin A. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 49(9):1979–1988, September 2011. URL:

  • C.W. Noorlander, S.P.J. van Leeuwen, J.D. te Biesebeek, M.J.B. Mengelers, and M.J. Zeilmaker. Levels of perfluorinated compounds in food and dietary intake of PFOS and PFOA in the Netherlands. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(13):7496–7505, July 2011. URL:

  • O.W. Souverein, W.J. de Boer, A. Geelen, H. van der Voet, J.H. de Vries, M. Feinberg, and P. van ‘t Veer. Uncertainty in intake due to portion size estimation in 24-hour recalls varies between food groups. The Journal of Nutrition, 141(7):1396–1401, May 2011. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, I. Sioen, H. van der Voet, I. Huybrechts, M. de Neve, P. Amiano, M. Azpiri, L. Busk, T. Christensen, A. Hilbig, T. Hirvonen, S. Koulouridaki, L. Lafay, K.-H. Liukkonen, J. Moschandreas, S. Papoutsou, L. Ribas-Barba, J. Ruprich, L. Serra-Majem, M. Tornaritis, A. Turrini, M. Urtizberea, E. Verger, A. Westerlund, M. Kersting, S. de Henauw, and J.D. van Klaveren. Long-term dietary exposure to lead in young children living in different European countries. EFSA Supporting Publications, 7(5):51E, 2010. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, J.D. te Biesebeek, I. Sioen, I. Huybrechts, M. de Neve, P. Amiano, C. Arganini, M. Azpiri, L. Busk, T. Christensen, A. Hilbig, T. Hirvonen, S. Koulouridaki, L. Lafay, K.-H. Liukkonen, J. Moschandreas, S. Papoutsouk, L. Ribas-Barba, J. Ruprich, L. Serra-Majem, M. Tornaritis, A. Turrini, M. Urtizberea, E. Verger, A. Westerlund, M. Kersting, S. de Henauw, and J.D. van Klaveren. Long-term dietary exposure to chromium in young children living in different European countries. EFSA Supporting Publications, 7(5):54E, 2010. URL:

  • I. Huybrechts, I. Sioen, P.E. Boon, M. de Neve, P. Amiano, C. Arganini, E. Bower, L. Busk, T. Christensen, A. Hilbig, T. Hirvonen, A. Kafatos, S. Koulouridaki, L. Lafay, K.-H. Liukkonen, S. Papoutsou, L. Ribas-Barba, J. Ruprich, I. Rehurkova, M. Kersting, L. Serra-Majem, A. Turrini, E. Verger, A. Westerlund, M. Tornaritis, J.D. van Klaveren, and S. de Henauw. Long-term dietary exposure to different food colours in young children living in different European countries. EFSA Supporting Publications, 7(5):53E, 2010. URL:

  • A. König, A.H. Kuiper, H.J.P. Marvin, P.E. Boon, L. Busk, F. Cnudde, S. Cope, H.V. Davies, M. Dreyer, L.J. Frewer, M. Kaiser, G.A. Kleter, I. Knudsen, G. Pascal, A. Prandini, O. Renn, M.R. Smith, B.W. Traill, H. van der Voet, H. van Trijp, E. Vos, and M.T.A. Wentholt. The SAFE FOODS framework for improved risk analysis of foods. Food Control, 21(12):1566–1587, December 2010. URL:

  • EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM). Scientific opinion on lead in food. EFSA Journal, 8(4):1570, 2010. URL:

  • I. Sioen, P.E. Boon, I. Huybrechts, M. de Neve, P. Amiano, C. Arganini, L. Busk, C. Chadjigeorgiou, T. Christensen, A. Hilbig, T. Hirvonen, S. Koulouridaki, L. Lafay, K.-H. Liukkonen, J. Moschandreas, S. Papoutsou, L. Ribas-Barba, J. Ruprich, L. Serra-Majem, A. Turrini, M. Urtizberea, M. Kersting, E. Verger, A. Westerlund, J.D. van Klaveren, and S. de Henauw. Long-term dietary exposure to selenium in young children living in different European countries. EFSA Supporting Publications, 7(5):56E, 2010. URL:

  • W. Slob, W.J. de Boer, and H. van der Voet. Can current dietary exposure models handle aggregated intake from different foods? a simulation study for the case of two foods. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 48(1):178–186, January 2010. URL:

  • E.H.M. Temme, H. van der Voet, A.J.C. Roodenburg, A. Bulder, G. van Donkersgoed, and J. van Klaveren. Impact of foods with health logo on saturated fat, sodium and sugar intake of young Dutch adults. Public Health Nutrition, 14(4):635–644, September 2010. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, G. van Donkersgoed, H. van der Voet, C. Stephenson, and P.E. Boon. Cumulative exposure assessment of triazole pesticides. EFSA Supporting Publications, 7(2):40E, 2010. URL:


  • B.G.H. Bokkers, M.I. Bakker, P.E. Boon, S. Bosgra, G.W.A.M. van der Heijden, G. Janer, W. Slob, and H. van der Voet. The practicability of the integrated probabilistic risk assessment (IPRA) approach for substances in food. RIVM Report 320121001/2009, 2009. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, M.I. Bakker, J.D. van Klaveren, and C.T.M. van Rossum. Risk assessment of the dietary exposure to contaminants and pesticide residues in young children in the Netherlands. RIVM report 35007000, 2009. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, K. Svensson, S. Moussavian, H. van der Voet, A. Petersen, J. Ruprich, F. Debegnach, W.J. de Boer, G. van Donkersgoed, C. Brera, J.D. van Klaveren, and L. Busk. Probabilistic acute dietary exposure assessments to captan and tolylfluanid using several European food consumption and pesticide concentration databases. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2890–2898, December 2009. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, E.D. van Asselt, M.I. Bakker, A.G. Kruizinga, and M.C.J.F. Jansen. Trends in diet and exposure to chemicals in Dutch children. Report 2009.002, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2009. URL:

  • P.M.J. Bos, P.E. Boon, H. van der Voet, G. Janer, A.H. Piersma, B.J. Brüschweiler, E. Nielsen, and W. Slob. A semi-quantitative model for risk appreciation and risk weighing. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2941–2950, December 2009. URL:

  • S. Bosgra, H. van der Voet, P.E. Boon, and W. Slob. An integrated probabilistic framework for cumulative risk assessment of common mechanism chemicals in food: an example with organophosphorus pesticides. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 54(2):124–133, July 2009. URL:

  • W.J. de Boer, H. van der Voet, B.G.H. Bokkers, M.I. Bakker, and P.E. Boon. Comparison of two models for the estimation of usual intake addressing zero consumption and non-normality. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 26(11):1433–1449, November 2009. URL:

  • B.H. Jensen, A. Petersen, and T. Christensen. Probabilistic assessment of the cumulative dietary acute exposure of the population of Denmark to organophosphorus and carbamate pesticides. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 26(7):1038–1048, July 2009. URL:

  • A.K. Müller, S. Bosgra, P.E. Boon, H. van der Voet, E. Nielsen, and O. Ladefoged. Probabilistic cumulative risk assessment of anti-androgenic pesticides in food. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2951–2962, December 2009. URL:

  • S.D. Muri, H. van der Voet, P.E. Boon, J.D. van Klaveren, and B.J. Brüschweiler. Comparison of human health risks resulting from exposure to fungicides and mycotoxins via food. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2963–2974, December 2009. URL:

  • EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain (CONTAM). Scientific opinion on arsenic in food. EFSA Journal, 7(10):1351, 2009. URL:

  • A. J. C. Roodenburg, E. H. M. Temme, O. Howell Davies, and J. C. Seidell. Potential impact of the Choices programme on nutrient intakes in the Dutch population. Nutrition Bulletin, 34(3):318–323, September 2009. URL:

  • J. Ruprich, I. Rehurkova, P.E. Boon, K. Svensson, S. Moussavian, H. van der Voet, S. Bosgra, J.D. van Klaveren, and L. Busk. Probabilistic modelling of exposure doses and implications for health risk characterization: glycoalkaloids from potatoes. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2899–2905, December 2009. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, G.W.A.M. van der Heijden, P.M.J. Bos, S. Bosgra, P.E. Boon, S.D. Muri, and B.J. Brüschweiler. A model for probabilistic health impact assessment of exposure to food chemicals. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 47(12):2926–2940, December 2009. URL:

  • H.J. van Ooijen, H. van der Voet, and M.I. Bakker. Identification and handling of uncertainties in dietary exposure assessment. RIVM Report 320103004, 2009. URL:

  • EFSA Panel on Plant Protection Products and their Residues (PPR Panel). Scientific opinion on risk assessment for a selected group of pesticides from the triazole group to test possible methodologies to assess cumulative effects from exposure through food from these pesticides on human health. EFSA Journal, 7(9):1167, 2009. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, H. Van der Voet, M.T.M. Van Raaij, and J.D. Van Klaveren. Cumulative risk assessment of the exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides in the Dutch diet. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(9):3090–3098, September 2008. URL:

  • A.L. Brantsæter, M. Haugen, A. de Mul, T. Bjellaas, G. Becher, J. van Klaveren, J. Alexander, and H.M. Meltzer. Exploration of different methods to assess dietary acrylamide exposure in pregnant women participating in the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (MoBa). Food and Chemical Toxicology, 46(8):2808–2814, August 2008. URL:

  • A. de Mul, M.I. Bakker, M.J. Zeilmaker, W.A. Traag, S.P.J. van Leeuwen, R.L.A.P. Hoogenboom, P.E. Boon, and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary exposure to dioxins and dioxin-like PCBs in the Netherlands anno 2004. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 51(3):278–287, August 2008. URL:

  • B.H. Jensen, J.H. Andersen, A. Petersen, and T. Christensen. Dietary exposure assessment of Danish consumers to dithiocarbamate residues in food: a comparison of the deterministic and probabilistic approach. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 25(6):714–721, June 2008. URL:

  • C.J. Seal, A. de Mul, G. Eisenbrand, A.J. Haverkort, K. Franke, S.P.D. Lalljie, H. Mykkänen, E. Reimerdes, G. Scholz, V. Somoza, S. Tuijtelaars, M. van Boekel, J. van Klaveren, S.J. Wilcockson, and L. Wilms. Risk-benefit considerations of mitigation measures on acrylamide content of foods – a case study on potatoes, cereals and coffee. British Journal of Nutrition, 99(S2):S1–S46, April 2008. URL:


  • European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). Opinion of the scientific panel on plant protection products and their residues on acute dietary intake assessment of pesticide residues in fruit and vegetables. EFSA Journal, 5(8):538, 2007. URL:

  • M.I. Bakker, R. de Winter-Sorkina, A. de Mul, P.E. Boon, G. van Donkersgoed, J.D. van Klaveren, B.A. Baumann, W.C. Hijman, S.P.J. van Leeuwen, W. de Boer, and M.J. Zeilmaker. Dietary intake and risk evaluation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in the Netherlands. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 52(2):204–216, December 2007. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, A.M.J. Ragas., and J.D. van Klaveren. Exploration of aggregate exposure to compounds present in food. Report 2007.016, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2007. URL:

  • R. de Winter-Sorkina, M.I. Bakker, G. Wolterink, and M.J. Zeilmaker. Brominated flame retardants: occurrence, dietary intake and risk assessment. RIVM report 320100002/2006, 2007. URL:

  • H. van der Voet and W. Slob. Integration of probabilistic exposure assessment and probabilistic hazard characterization. Risk Analysis, 27(2):351–371, April 2007. URL:


  • E.D. Caldas, P.E. Boon, and J. Tressou. Probabilistic assessment of the cumulative acute exposure to organophosphorus and carbamate insecticides in the Brazilian diet. Toxicology, 222(1-2):132–142, May 2006. URL:

  • E.D. Caldas, J. Tressou, and P.E. Boon. Dietary exposure of Brazilian consumers to dithiocarbamate pesticides—a probabilistic approach. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 44(9):1562–1571, September 2006. URL:

  • J.D. van Klaveren, M.Y. Noordam, P.E. Boon, G. van Donkersgoed, B.C. Ossendorp, M.T.M. van Raaij, and J.G. van der Roest. Trends in normoverschrijdigen, overschrijdingen van de acute referentiewaarde en gesommeerde blootstelling - tussenevaluatie nota duurzame gewasbescherming - deelrapport voedselveiligheid. Report 2006.011, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2006. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, A. de Mul, H. van der Voet, G. van Donkersgoed, M. Brette, and J.D. van Klaveren. Calculations of dietary exposure to acrylamide. Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 580(1-2):143–155, February 2005. URL:

  • A. de Mul, R. de Winter-Sorkina, P.E. Boon, G. van Donkersgoed, M.I. Bakker, and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary intake of brominated diphenyl ether congeners by the Dutch population. Report 2005.006, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2005. URL:

  • M.J. Paulo, H. van der Voet, M.J.W. Jansen, C.J.F. ter Braak, and J.D. van Klaveren. Risk assessment of dietary exposure to pesticides using a Bayesian method. Pest Management Science, 61(8):759–766, 2005. URL:

  • R.C. Schothorst, H.P. van Egmond, A. de Mul, P.E. Boon, J.D. van Klaveren, and G.J.A. Speijers. Trichothecenes in baby food. RIVM Report 310301002, 2005. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, S. Lignell, J.D. van Klaveren, and E.I.M. Tjoe Nij. Estimation of the acute dietary exposure to pesticides using the probabilistic approach and the point estimate methodology - the generation of work examples using food consumption data from the Netherlands and Sweden. Report 2004.008, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2004. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, E.I.M. Tjoe Nij, N. Koopman, and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary habits and exposure to pesticides in Dutch infants. Report 2004.017, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2004. URL:

  • P.E. Boon, E.I.M. Tjoe Nij, G. van Donkersgoed, and J.D. van Klaveren. Probabilistic intake calculations performed for the codex committee on pesticide residues. Report 2004.005, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2004. URL:

  • H. van der Voet and M.J. Paulo. Some explorations into Bayesian modelling of risks due to pesticide intake from food. In M.A.J.S. van Boekel, A. Stein, and A.H.C. van Bruggen, editors, Bayesian statistics and quality modelling in the agro-food production chain, pages 145–162. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 2004. URL:


  • P.E. Boon, H. van der Voet, and J.D. van Klaveren. Validation of a probabilistic model of dietary exposure to selected pesticides in Dutch infants. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20(sup001):S36–S49, October 2003. URL:

  • P.E. Boon and J.D. van Klaveren. Cumulative exposure to acetylcholineterase inhibiting compounds in the Dutch population and young childeren. Report 2003.003, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2003. URL:

  • P.E. Boon and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary exposure to pesticides - relevant variables and probabilistic modelling. Report 2003.008, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2003. URL:

  • R. de Winter-Sorkina, M.I. Bakker, G. van Donkersgoed, and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary intake of brominated flame retardants by the Dutch population. Report 2003.019, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2003. URL:

  • R. de Winter-Sorkina, G. van Donkersgoed, M.I. Bakker, and J.D. van Klaveren. Dietary intake of heavy metals (cadmium, lead and mercury) by the Dutch population. Report 2003.016, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2003. URL:

  • M.J. Gibney and H. van der Voet. Introduction to the Monte Carlo project and the approach to the validation of probabilistic models of dietary exposure to selected food chemicals. Food Additives and Contaminants, 20(sup001):S1–S7, October 2003. URL:

  • H. van der Voet, P.E. Boon, and J.D. van Klaveren. Validation of Monte Carlo models for estimating pesticide intake of Dutch infants. Report 2003.002, RIKILT, Wageningen, 2003. URL: