Consumptions settings

Selection settings

Table 27 Selection settings for module Consumptions.
Name Description

Food survey

The food consumption representative for the population of interest.

Restrict population to consumers or consumer days only

Specifies whether the population should be restricted to the individuals (chronic) or individual days (acute) that have non-zero consumption.

Restrict population to consumers or consumer days with consumptions of specific foods

Specifies whether the population should be restricted to the individuals (chronic) or individual days (acute) consuming any of the foods of the specified subset.

Selected foods-as-eaten

Set of consumed foods that are of particular interest for restricting the consumers / consumption days.

Consumption subset: restrict to consumptions of specific foods

If checked, then the consumptions are restricted to those of the specified food-as-eaten subset.

Selected foods-as-eaten

Set of consumed foods that are of particular interest.

Ignore sampling weights

If checked, individual sampling weights are not used (sampling weight = 1). If unchecked, the specified sampling weights are used.

Uncertainty settings

Table 28 Uncertainty settings for module Consumptions.
Name Description

Resample individuals

Individual data are resampled from the original database using the bootstrap methodology (Efron 1979, Efron & Tibshirani 1993).

Resample portion sizes

Specifies whether portion sizes should be resampled based on food consumption quantification data, see (Souverein et al. 2011).