Occurrence patterns settings

Selection settings

Table 74 Selection settings for module Occurrence patterns.
Name Type Description
Associate the unspecified percentage with no-occurrence for foods with at least one specified occurrence pattern


If checked, for foods with at least one specified occurrence pattern, unspecified occurrence patterns for the same food are assumed to be associated with no use. If unchecked, all substances are considered to be authorised (potentially present in samples). Note that this setting cannot be used for foods that have no specified AUs. These foods have 100% potential presence of all substances. To declare all AUs on such a food un-authorised, include an empty AU with percentage 100% in the AU data table (i.e., use an AU for this food, without specifying substances in the AU Substances table)
Apply occurrence pattern percentages


If checked, use the percentages of potential presence as specified by the occurrence patterns. If unchecked, 100% potential presence in samples is assumed for all substances identified by the occurrence patterns.
Scale up use frequency to 100%


Scale up use frequency to 100%.
Restrict use percentage up-scaling to authorised uses


Restrict use percentage up-scaling to authorised uses.

Uncertainty settings

Table 75 Uncertainty settings for module Occurrence patterns.
Name Type Description
Recompute occurrence patterns


Specifies whether occurrence patterns should be recomputed in the uncertainty runs.