
Substances are chemical entities that can refer to: 1) active substances such as investigated in toxicology; 2) measured substances such as defined in specific analytical methods. MCRA assessments can have one or more substances as the scope. When more than one substance is specified, there is an option to perform a cumulative assessment. In that case one of the substances has to be indicated as the index/reference substance, and results will be expressed in equivalents of the index substance.

Output of this module is used by: Concentrations Concentration distributions Single value concentrations Processing factors Unit variability factors Occurrence patterns Occurrence frequencies Substance authorisations Substance conversions Deterministic substance conversion factors Concentration limits Concentration models Modelled foods Focal food concentrations Food conversions Consumptions by food as measured High exposure food-substance combinations Dietary exposures Single value dietary exposures Non-dietary exposures Exposures Exposure mixtures Human monitoring data Human monitoring analysis QSAR membership models Molecular docking models Kinetic models Active substances Relative potency factors Hazard characterisations Points of departure Dose response models Dose response data Inter-species conversions Intra species factors Risks Single value risks

Substances as data

Substances are provided as data (code, name).

Settings and Tiers