Single value risks
Single value risks are risk estimates obtained from combining single value exposures with single value hazard characterisations or as a percentile from a risk distribution.
This module has as primary entities: Substances Effects Populations
Calculation of single value risks
Single value risk can be computed by route and substance in the form of the risk characterisation ratio hazard/exposure or exposure/hazard. Single value risks are risk estimates obtained from combining single value exposures with single value hazard characterisations or as a percentile from a risk distribution. Optionally, the exposure and hazard behind the percentile calculation can be adjusted with fixed adjustment factors or factors drawn from parametric uncertainty distributions.
Inputs used: Single value dietary exposures Hazard characterisations Risks
Settings used
Settings and Tiers
- Single value risks settings
- Single value risks tiers
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Chronic / Tier II