Populations data formats
Populations are primary entities of the data model.
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Populations identify human groups in e.g. dietary, nondietary and human monitoring surveys. Optionally, a name and description can be added. Specify a standard bodyweight (optional) as a descriptor of the average or nominal bodyweight in the population. Use table PopulationIndividualPropertyValues to specify descriptors/properties that characterise the population. These population individual property values will be used to restrict the population to e.g. a certain time period (through specifying a start and end date, both dates are inclusive), age (through specifying a minimum and maximum age, both limits are inclusive) or gender (male or female). To facilitate the user, dynamic properties may be added to the table. Three kind of additional properties are available: alphanumeric properties (property name and level), numeric properties (a range through specifying a minimum and maximum using suffixes Min and Max, both bounds are inclusive) and datetime properties (a range through specifying a start and end date using prefixes Start and End, both dates are inclusive). Dynamic or additional properties are ignored when table PopulationIndividualPropertyValues is present in the upload. In table IndividualProperties each property used in the Populations table is described.
Accepted table names: Populations, Population.
Name | Type | Description | Aliases | Required |
idPopulation |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
Unique identification code of the population. |
IdPopulation, PopulationId, Code, Id |
Yes |
Name |
AlphaNumeric (100) |
The name of the population. |
Name, PopulationName |
No |
Description |
AlphaNumeric (200) |
Description of of the population. |
Description |
No |
Location |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
Location. |
Location, Country |
No |
StartDate |
DateTime |
Starting date of the specific time window marking this population. |
StartDate |
No |
EndDate |
DateTime |
End date of the specific time window marking this population. |
EndDate |
No |
NominalBodyWeight |
Numeric |
Nominal body weight (in kg) of the individuals of this population. |
NominalBodyWeight, BodyWeight |
No |
Additional individual properties, type = AlphaNumerical |
AlphaNumerical population properties specifying a level or levels (comma separated), [property name]. E.g. for individual property [Region] specify a region like [North] or [South]. Note that table IndividualProperties should contain the property Region with PropertyLevel = Individual and Type = Categorical. For other type of properties use Type = Boolean or Gender. For properties specifying the sampling date use PropertyLevel = IndividualDay and Type = Month. See also Type and Unit definitions for accepted Individual property types (controlled terminology). |
No |
Additional individual properties, type = Numerical |
Numerical population properties specifying a range. Specify an individual property name followed by a suffix ‘Min’ or ‘Max’: [property name]Min or [property name]Max. E.g. for individual property [Height] specify the range as [HeightMin] and [HeightMax]. Note that table IndividualProperties should contain the property Height with PropertyLevel = Individual and Type = Numeric, Nonnegative, Integer or NonnegativeInteger. See also Type and Unit definitions for accepted Individual property types (controlled terminology). Bounds are inclusive: to select the population 18 - 45 yr specify for property Age: AgeMin = 18 and AgeMax = 45. |
No |
Additional individual properties, type = DateTime |
DateTime population properties specifying a range. Specify an individual day datetime property by a prefix ‘Start’ or ‘End’ followed by an individual property name [Date] : Start[property name] or End[property name]. E.g. for individual property [Period] specify the range as [StartPeriod] and [EndPeriod]. Note that table IndividualProperties should contain the property Period with PropertyLevel = IndividualDay and Type = DateTime. See also Type and Unit definitions for accepted Individual property types (controlled terminology). Bounds are inclusive: to select the population in 2005-2007 specify for property Date: StartDate = 1/1/2005 and EndDate = 12/31/2007. |
No |
Individual properties
This table is used to describe the properties used in the Populations or PopulationIndividualPropertyValues table characterising the population (table Populations) and/or the properties used in the Individuals table characterising an individual. Properties like Age, Gender, Region are describing an individual (PropertyLevel = Individual). Properties like Period (for populations) or Month (sampling date for an individual day) are describing an individual day (PropertyLevel = IndividualDay).
Accepted table names: IndividualProperties, IndividualProperty.
Name | Type | Description | Aliases | Required |
idIndividualProperty |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The code of the property. |
idIndividualProperty, IndividualPropertyId, IndividualProperty |
Yes |
Name |
AlphaNumeric (100) |
The name of the property. |
Name |
No |
PropertyLevel |
PropertyLevelType | The level of the property. This type follows a controlled terminology, with possible values: Individual or IndividualDay. |
PropertyLevel, LevelProperty |
No |
Description |
AlphaNumeric (200) |
Description of the property. |
Description |
No |
Type |
IndividualPropertyType | This field specifies the type of the values of this individual property. This type follows a controlled terminology, with possible values: Boolean, Categorical (default), Numeric, Nonnegative, Integer, NonnegativeInteger, Month, Datetime, Gender. |
Type |
No |
Population individual property values
This table describes population individual properties, such as Age, Gender, Period, Region or Breastfeeding. Population individual property values are used to restrict the population to, for example, a range of ages, a gender, a certain time period, a geographical location or women who are breastfeeding. For numerical properties, use MinValue and MaxValue to specify a range. To specify a time period, use StartDate and EndDate. For Gender, Region and Breastfeeding use Value to specify the gender, categorical level or boolean value, respectively. In the IndividualProperties table, each property used in the PopulationIndividualPropertyValues table is described. NOTE: the individual property ID (idIndividualProperty) must be unique for a population (specified by idPopulation), i.e., the combination idPopulation - idIndividualProperty may occur only once in the table Population individual property values. You may list multiple values in the ‘Value’ field by separating them with a comma (e.g., ‘Summer, Autumn’).
Accepted table names: PopulationIndividualPropertyValues, PopulationIndividualPropertyVal, PopulationPropertyValues.
Name | Type | Description | Aliases | Required |
idPopulation |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The code of the population to which the property is attached. The provided population code should match with a code of the populations table. |
idPopulation, PopulationId, Population, PopulationCode, Code |
Yes |
idIndividualProperty |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The name or reference of the individual property. |
idIndividualProperty, IndividualPropertyId, IndividualProperty |
Yes |
Value |
AlphaNumeric (50) |
The value(s) of the property. Multiple values should be comma separated. |
Value |
No |
MinValue |
Numeric |
Minimum value of the value of the property for a numeric range. |
MinValue, ValueMin |
No |
MaxValue |
Numeric |
Maximum value of the value of the property for a numeric range. |
MaxValue, ValueMax |
No |
StartDate |
DateTime |
Start date value of the property for a time period. |
StartDate, MinDate |
No |
EndDate |
DateTime |
End date value of the property for a time period. |
EndDate, MaxDate |
No |