Occurrence patterns
Occurrence patterns (OPs) are the combinations (or mixtures) of substances that occur together on foods and the frequencies of these mixtures occurring per food, expressed in percentages. In the context of pesticides, occurrence patterns are associated with agricultural use percentages. Occurrence patterns are relevant to account for co-occurrence of active substances in exposed individuals. Occurrence patterns may be specified as data or modelled based on observed patterns of positive concentrations.
This module has as primary entities: Foods Substances
Output of this module is used by: Occurrence frequencies Dietary exposures
Occurrence patterns as data
Inputs used: Substance authorisations Active substances
Settings used
Calculation of occurrence patterns
Occurrence patterns are computed from the observed patterns of positive concentrations in the concentration data.
Inputs used: Concentrations
Settings used
Settings and Tiers
- Occurrence patterns settings
- Occurrence patterns tiers
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EC 2018) - Chronic / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier I
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Acute / Tier II
- Retrospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2022) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2023) - Chronic / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Acute / Tier II
- Prospective dietary CRA (EFSA 2024) - Chronic / Tier II