Focal food concentrations from data
To modify the (background) concentration data for specific (prospective) focal commodity substance concentrations, check option include focal commodity concentrations.

Figure 58 Concentration settings: include focal commodity concentrations
Then, the focal commodity scenario analysis form (see Figure 56) is opened, select the method in Figure 59 and the focal commodity food/substance combination (one or more).

Figure 59 Focal commodity concentration scenario settings
Replace samples with focal commodity samples: replace all samples with the selected focal commodity/commodities.
Append focal commodity samples: add the samples of the focal commodity/commodities to the background concentration data.
Replace measurements of focal food/substance combinations with measurements from focal commodity samples: replace the substance concentrations of the background concentrations by substance concentrations from the focal commodity concentration data.
Replace measurements of focal food/substance combinations with proposed concentration limit value from data: replace the substance concentrations of the background concentrations by a proposed concentration limit value from data.
Replace measurements of focal food/substance combinations with proposed concentration limit value: replace the substance concentrations of the background concentrations by a proposed concentration limit value (in mg/kg) specified in the interface.
Remove measurements of focal food/substance combinations: remove substance measurements for the selected focal food/substance combinations.
See also Focal food scenario analysis and module concentration.