Risks settings
Calculation settings
Name | Type | Description |
Selected tier
SettingsTemplateType |
Specifies all module settings should be set according to a pre-defined tier or using custom settings. |
Seed for pseudo-random number generator
Numeric |
A value of 0 will use a pseudo-random seed in each run, a value > 0 will provide the same results in a repeated run. |
Exposure type
ExposureType | The type of exposure considered in the assessment; acute (short term) or chronic (long-term). |
Multiple substances analysis
Boolean |
Specifies whether the assessment involves multiple substances. |
Compute cumulative risks
Boolean |
Specifies whether to compute the combined/cumulative risk over all substances. |
Health effect type
HealthEffectType | Specifies whether the health effect is a risk (negative) or benefit (positive). |
Risk characterisation ratio
RiskMetricType | Report risks in terms of the ratio exposure/hazard (e.g., HI, HQ, RPI) or as hazard/exposure (e.g., MOE(T)). |
Show equivalent animal dose output
Boolean |
Specifies whether equivalent animal doses should be reported in the output. |
Risk threshold
Numeric |
Threshold for interpretation of the risk metric. For instance, for the Margin of Exposure (MOE) a threshold of 100 is commonly used and for the Hazard Index (HI) the threshold is usually 1. |
Use inverse distribution to calculate percentile
Boolean |
Calculate percentile via the complementary percentage of the inverse distribution (default: no). Description: E.g., P0.1 of MOE(T) distribution is calculated via P99.9 of 1/MOE(T) distribution. Note: This option is provided because percentile calculation in small data sets is asymmetric in both tails. |
Exposure routes
ExposureRoutes |
Exposure routes included in assessment. |
Target level
TargetLevelType | Select to express hazard characterisations at external dose, internal concentration or internal dose (systemic) level. For an aggregate assessment, that is dietary and nondietary exposure data are combined, the target dose level is always internal concentration or internal dose (systemic). When only dietary exposures are available, the target dose level is optional, i.c. external (administered) dose, internal (tissue) concentration or internal (absorbed) dose. |
Calculate risks by modelled foods, substances or a combination of the two
Boolean |
When the dose target level is external, dietary exposures are directly used as input to risks. Dietary exposures preserve the information of exposure by modelled foods, substances or the combination. Summarizing this information may time consuming. |
Exposure calculation method
ExposureCalculationMethod | Method for obtaining exposure estimates. These can be modelled exposures (e.g., external (dietary) exposures or internal exposure estimates obtained by aggregating dietary and non-dietary exposures) or exposure estimates derived from human (bio)monitoring data. |
Cumulation setting
RiskMetricCalculationType | Specify method for computing cumulative risks of multiple substances (e.g., via RPF weighted exposures or as a sum of ratios). |
Perform MCR analysis
Boolean |
Perform a Maximum Cumulative Ratio (MCR) analysis to determine co-exposure between substances. |
Substance weighting in mixtures
ExposureApproachType | Risk based: exposures in equivalents of the reference substance; standardised: standardised exposures per substance have variance 1; or unweighted exposures: RPFs are equal to 1. |
Cutoff MCR
Numeric |
For selection of individual(day) exposures with maximum cumulative ratio (MCR = total exposure/maximum) above the cutoff. |
Cutoff percentage in population ranked on total exposure
Numeric |
For selection of individual(day) exposures above the cutoff percentage in the set of individual(day)s ranked on total exposure. |
Display ratio total exposure/ maximum (in MCR plot)
Numeric |
For MCR plot: specify ratio total exposure/ maximum for individual(day) exposures . |
Show tail percentiles (MCR plot) for:
Numeric |
Give specific percentiles of exposure distribution (%), e.g. 97.5 99 (space separated). |
Set minimum percentage contribution per substance to the tail exposure (MCR plot)
Numeric |
Set minimum percentage contribution per substance to the tail exposure. |
Use intra-species factors
Boolean |
Use intra-species conversion factors (default value, e.g. 10, or data). |
Sampling method
AlphaNumeric |
The sampling method that should be included in the action. |
Use hazard characterisations subgroup
Boolean |
Hazard characterisations are dependent on subgroups (e.g. based on age or gender, see dataformats HCSubgroups). |
Output settings
Name | Type | Description |
Left margin safety plot
Numeric |
Left margin of the risk value in risk characterisation plots / safety charts. |
Right margin safety plot
Numeric |
Right margin of the risk value in risk characterisation plots / safety charts. |
Number of plot labels
Numeric |
Maximum number of labels to plot in hazard versus exposure plot. |
Number of substances in hazard vs. exposure plot
Numeric |
Maximum number of substances to plot in hazard vs exposure plot. |
Inclusion percentage variability interval
Numeric |
The central percentage of the variability distribution to include in intervals for exposure, hazard and MOE (e.g. 90 means p5-p95). |
Exclude privacy sensitive data from outputs
Boolean |
Use this setting to not report the parts of the results (i.e., figures, tables, or sections) that are marked as (potentially) privacy sensitive. |
Include drill-down on 9 individuals around specified percentile
Boolean |
Specifies whether drilldown on 9 individuals is to be included in the output. |
Show percentiles for
Numeric |
Give specific percentiles of exposure distribution (%), e.g. 50 90 95 97.5 99 (space separated). |
Percentage for drilldown
Numeric |
Gives detailed output for nine individuals near this percentile of the exposure distribution. |
Percentage for upper tail
Numeric |
Gives detailed output for this upper percentage of the exposure distribution. |
Number of levels of covariable to predict exposure
Numeric |
Specify the number of levels, e.g. 20. The range of the covariable is divided by the number of levels: range = (max - min)/levels. For these covariable levels exposures are predicted. |
Predict exposure at extra covariable levels
Numeric |
Specify specific prediction levels in addition to the automatically generated prediction levels (space separated). |
Lower percentage for variability (%)
Numeric |
The default value of 25% may be overruled. |
Upper percentage for variability (%)
Numeric |
The default value of 75% may be overruled. |
Report consumptions and exposures per individual instead of per kg body weight
Boolean |
Specifies whether body weights should be ignored and consumptions and exposures should be expressed per individual. Otherwise, the consumptions and exposures are per kg body weight. |
Uncertainty settings
Name | Type | Description |
Lower uncertainty limit (%)
Numeric |
Percentage lower bound, e.g. 2.5%. |
Upper uncertainty limit (%)
Numeric |
Percentage upper bound, e.g. 97.5%. |