MCRA web and core

The Monte Carlo Risk Assessment (MCRA) platform, developed by Wageningen University & Research (WUR, Biometris) for the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), is a web-based system for risk assessment of chemicals, which brings together statistical models, shared data and data uploaded by the users.

EFSA and RIVM previously agreed on the use of this MCRA system for the cumulative risk assessment of pesticides. This agreement was formalised in two framework partnership agreements for the periods 2015-2016 and 2017-2020. As part of these partnership agreements, the MCRA system was continuously improved in terms of capacity and functionality, in accordance with requirements defined by EFSA. In response to needs on transparency and data accessibility, the MCRA system was further developed into a transparent, collaborative, EU harmonised, interoperable, open-source accessible platform.

MCRA core

Source codes of the statistical models are open source (i.e., freely accessible and re-usable) and made more flexible to allow for cooperation and co-creation. The source code of MCRA core is available at a repository located at RIVM is the owner of the MCRA core, with co-ownerships of specific parts by WUR Biometris, FERA, INERIS and possibly others in the future. RIVM will manage MCRA core, such that it is available as open source.

MCRA web

The MCRA web portal provides tailored access to the MCRA core actions. In the web portal, each module of MCRA can be accessed as a starting point to perform the corresponding action. RIVM is the owner and manager of the MCRA web platform. The source code of the MCRA web platform is maintained at a dedicated RIVM github site. Access (both for reading and contributing) is restricted to the MCRA development and operations team. It is not anticipated that co-developers will contribute to the code of the web platform.

Running MCRA core using the command line interface

The MCRA core library is supplied with a command line interface (CLI) utility to run MCRA actions using input files and producing output files.