Filter samples by specific sample properties
When the option to filter samples by specific property values (subset selection) is checked in the main panel of the concentrations module, a new form will appear in which various sample property subsets can be specified (see Figure 49). The visibility/availability of the sample property filters depends on the availability of these properties in the data. The following filters are available:
The options to filter samples by year and filter samples by month allow the user to filter the samples by sampling date. The additional option to include samples with missing sampling date determines whether samples for which the sampling date is unknown/missing should be included or not.
The options to filter samples by location and filter samples by region allow for subsets by location (country) and/or region within a location. Also for these options there is the possibility to include/exclude samples for which the location/region is unknown/missing.
The option to filter samples by production method allows for subset selection on production method of the sampled product (e.g., organic or conventional).
The option to filter samples by additional sample properties available in the data (see data format).

Figure 49 Sample subset selection form of the front end. This form is a sub-form of the concentrations module panel.