Hazard characterisations settings

Selection settings

Table 159 Selection settings for module Hazard characterisations.
Name Type Description
Risk type
ExposureType The type of exposure considered in the assessment; acute (short term) or chronic (long-term).
Target level
TargetLevelType Select to express hazard characterisations at external or internal exposure level. For an aggregate assessement, that is dietary and nondietary exposure data are combined, the target dose level is always internal. When only dietary exposures are available, the target dose level is optional, i.c. external or internal.
Consider critical effect


Specifies whether the analysis should look at critical effects such as specified in the Hazard characterisation data source.

Calculation settings

Table 160 Calculation settings for module Hazard characterisations.
Name Type Description
TargetDosesCalculationMethod Choose method for computing the hazard characterisations: from in-vivo or in-vitro points of departure or both.
Expression type
PointOfDeparture Specifies how hazard characterisations are expressed: as BMD, as NOAEL, or the expression type is ignored.
Selection method in case of multiple candidate hazard characterisations
TargetDoseSelectionMethod Choose either the most toxic (default) or an aggregated hazard characterisation when in nominal runs there are multiple available candidates. In uncertainty runs, multiple candidates are resampled.
Impute missing hazard characterisations


If checked, missing hazard characterisations are imputed based on Munro NOELs or on other available points of departure.
Imputation method
HazardDoseImputationMethodType Imputation of Hazard characterisations: use low percentile (P5) or unbiased central estimate from either the Munro set or the available POD collection.
Use BMDs from dose response models


If checked, preferably BMDs from dose response models will be used. If these data are not available, other POD data are used.
Use inter-species conversions


Use inter-species conversion factors (default value, e.g. 10, or data).
Use intra-species factors


Use intra-species conversion factors (default value, e.g. 10, or data).
Use additional assessment factor


Use additional assessment factor for extrapolation of PODs to (human) hazard characterisations.
Include dietary and non-dietary routes of exposure


Specifies whether the assessment involves both dietary and non-dietary (oral, inhalatory or dermal) routes of exposure.

Uncertainty settings

Table 161 Uncertainty settings for module Hazard characterisations.
Name Type Description
Resample intra-species factor


Specifies whether intra-species factors are resampled from a parametric uncertainty distribution.
Resample hazard characterisations or RPFs


Specifies whether to resample the hazard characterisations or relative potency factors. Requires hazard characterisation or RPF uncertainty to be quantified in DoseResponseModelsUncertain or RelativePotencyFactorsUncertain tables.