Application Programming Interface (API)


This section is under construction.

GET /Api/Actions/GetAll/{idWorkspace}

Gets all actions of the workspace with the specified id.

  • idWorkspace (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/Get/{id}

Gets the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Actions/Create

Creates a new action action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/{id}/Settings

Get the action with the provided id

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
PATCH /Api/Actions/{id}/Settings

Patch the action settings for action with provided id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – Action id

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/{id}/DataSources

Get the action datasources for the action with the provided id

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /Api/Actions/ImportSettingsConfigFile/{idAction}

Sets the action settings of the provided action settings xml file.

  • idAction (integer:int32, required) – Id of the action that should be cloned.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Actions/ImportDataSourceConfigFile/{idAction}

Sets the action settings of the provided action data source config xml file.

  • idAction (integer:int32, required) – Id of the action that should be cloned.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Actions/Clone

Duplicates an action and all of its settings and output.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Actions/UploadActionZipFile/{idWorkspace}

Creates an upload task that creates an action from an action+data zip file. Returns the task id for monitoring the progress.

  • idWorkspace (integer:int32, required) – Id of the action that should be cloned.

Status Codes
DELETE /Api/Actions/Delete/{id}

Deletes the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action that should be deleted.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/UpdateMetaData/{id}

Updates the action meta data.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/ConvertToCustomAction/{id}

Converts the (standard)action to a custom action.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/{id}/Clone

Clones the (standard)action to a custom action.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Query Parameters
  • custom (boolean) – Create a custom action, only applicable when the original action is a standard action

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/UpdateStandardActionVersion/{id}

Updates the (standard)action to use the latest standard action version.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/SetIsCompute/{id}

Specifies whether the data of a (sub)module of the action should be computed or obtained from data.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/SetActionDataSource/{id}

Adds a data source to the data source configuration of the action.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/ReplaceActionDataSource/{id}

Replaces an action data source with another data source.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/GetSummary/{id}

Returns the summary of the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/GetDataReadingSummary/{id}

Returns the data reading summary of the specified (sub-)module for the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Query Parameters
  • actionType (required) – The id of the (sub-)module

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/GetDataSelection/{id}

Retrieves a data entities page for the provided table.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Query Parameters
  • entityType (required) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/GetDataReadingEntityRecords/{id}

Retrieves a data entities page for the provided table.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Query Parameters
  • tableGroupId (required) –

  • scopingType (required) –

  • filteredStatusTypes (array) –

  • page (integer:int32) –

  • pageSize (integer:int32) –

  • sort (string) –

  • order (string) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/GetDataLinkingEntityRecords/{id}

Get action data linking records.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Query Parameters
  • tableGroupId (required) –

  • scopingType (required) –

  • referencedScopingType (required) –

  • filteredStatusTypes (array) –

  • page (integer:int32) –

  • pageSize (integer:int32) –

  • sort (string) –

  • order (string) –

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/SetScope/{id}

Sets the action scope. I.e., specify which data entities (specified by their codes) should be considered in the action.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/ClearScope/{id}

Clears the action scope/data selection.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/ExtendScope/{id}

Extends the action scope.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Actions/ReduceScope/{id}

Reduces the action scope.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/ExportActionSettings/{id}

Returns the settings xml of the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/ExportActionDataSources/{id}

Returns the data sources xml of the action with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/DownloadActionZip/{id}

Returns all settings and data of the action as a zip-file. Project data is included in the form of csv files (zipped csv format).

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/DownloadActionZipOriginalData/{id}

Returns all settings and data of the action as a zip-file. Project data source files are included in their original forms.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Actions/DownloadActionZipNoData/{id}

Returns all settings and data source configuration of the action as a zip-file.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /api/Actions/FileUploadProgress

Retrieves the task progress of the upload task with the specified task id.

Query Parameters
  • taskId (string, required) – The task id of the upload task.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/Get/{id}

Returns a data source description record of the data source with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetAll

Gets all data sources available to the user.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetRepositoryDataSources/{id}

Gets the data sources of the repository with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetRemoteRepositoryDataSources/{id}

Gets the data sources available in the remote repository with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /Api/DataSources/ImportRemoteDataSource

Imports the remote data source specified by the import settings.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/DataSources/Move/{id}

Moves the data source with the specified id to another repository.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source that should be moved.

Status Codes
DELETE /Api/DataSources/Delete/{id}

Deletes the data source with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source that should be deleted.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/DataSources/Rename/{id}

Renames the data source with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source that is to be renamed.

Status Codes
POST /Api/DataSources/UploadNewDataSource/{idRepository}

Creates an upload task that adds a new data source to the repository with the specified id. Returns the task id for monitoring the progress.

  • idRepository (integer:int32, required) – The id of repository in which the data source should be created.

Status Codes
POST /Api/DataSources/UploadNewDataSourceVersion/{idDataSource}

Creates an upload task that adds a new version to the specified data source. Returns the task id for monitoring the progress.

  • idDataSource (integer:int32, required) – The id of data source for which this is a new version.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetVersion/{idVersion}

Gets the data source version with the specified id.

  • idVersion (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source version.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetVersions/{id}

Gets all versions of the data source with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetWorkspaceDataSourceVersions/{idWorkspace}

Returns all data source versions used in the workspace with the specified id.

  • idWorkspace (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetDataSourceVersionUsage/{idVersion}

Returns the data source version’s usage in actions.

  • idVersion (integer:int32, required) – The id of the version.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/GetDataSourceUsage/{idDataSource}

Returns the data source’s usage in actions.

  • idDataSource (integer:int32, required) – The id of the data source.

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/DownloadVersion/{idVersion}

Downloads the data source version dataset file of the version with the specified id.

  • idVersion (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/DataSources/DownloadVersionCsv/{idVersion}

Downloads the data source version raw data (as imported by MCRA) of the version as zipped csv file collection.

  • idVersion (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /Api/DataSources/UploadActionZipFile

Creates an upload task that creates an action from an action+data zip file. Returns the task id for monitoring the progress.

Status Codes
GET /api/DataSources/FileUploadProgress

Retrieves the task progress of the upload task with the specified task id.

Query Parameters
  • taskId (string, required) – The task id of the upload task.

Status Codes
GET /api/Repositories/GetAll
Status Codes
GET /Api/Repositories/Get/{id}
  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/Repositories/GetDetails/{id}
  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/Create
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/Update
Status Codes
POST /Api/Repositories/Delete/{id}
  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /Api/Repositories/ForceDelete/{id}
  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/Move
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/ChangeOwner
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/AddUserShare
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/UpdateUserShare
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/RemoveUserShare
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/AddGroupShare
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/UpdateGroupShare
Status Codes
POST /api/Repositories/RemoveGroupShare
Status Codes
GET /Api/Repositories/GetRepositoryDataSourcesInUse/{id}

Gets the data sources that are in use in the repository with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
GET /Api/Repositories/GetRepositoryDataSourceUsage/{id}

Gets all project information still associated with any datasources in the repository or any subrepositories

  • id (integer:int32, required) – Id of the main repository to search

Status Codes
GET /Api/Workspace/GetAll

Gets all workspaces available to the user.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Workspace/Get/{id}

Gets the workspace with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Workspace/Create

Creates a workspace based on the provided form data.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Workspace/Update/{id}

Updates the workspace meta data.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace that is to be updated.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – A description record of the created workspace.

DELETE /Api/Workspace/Delete/{id}

Deletes the workspace with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace that should be deleted.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Workspace/GetDataSources/{id}

Returns all data sources used in the workspace with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Workspace/AddDataSource/{id}

Adds a data source version to the workspace.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Workspace/RemoveDataSource/{id}

Removes a data source version from the workspace.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
GET /Api/About/VersionInfo

Returns a version info record containing version number and build date.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – About info record.

GET /Api/About

Returns a version info record containing version number and build date.

Status Codes
  • 200 OK – About info record.

GET /api/ActionTypes/Get

Returns a collection of the action type definitions available in the toolbox.

Status Codes
GET /api/DataFormats/Get

Returns a collection of the data format definitions available in the toolbox.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/Get/{id}

Gets the output with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetFromAction/{idAction}

Gets the outputs of the action with the specified id. Returns a list of OutputInfoViewModel records.

  • idAction (integer:int32, required) – Id of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportToc/{id}

Get the output summary deserialized into the object hierarchy.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportTocs

Gets the hierarchical output report summary toc objects of the outputs with the specified ids.

Query Parameters
  • ids (array) – Ids of the outputs.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportSection

Gets output report section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetShortOutputSummary

Gets short output report summary with the specified id of the output

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportTableData

Gets output table data section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

  • maxRecords (integer:int32, required) – Maximum number of records.

  • isTree (boolean, required) – if true, the hierarchy defining data should be incorporated

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportTableContent

Gets output table data section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

  • caption (string, required) – Table caption

  • maxRecords (integer:int32, required) – Maximum number of records.

  • columnOrder (string, required) – Comma separated list of column indices determining the shown columns

  • isTree (boolean, required) – if true, the hierarchy defining data should be incorporated

  • rotate (boolean, required) – if true, the rows and columns are switched, effectively rotating the table

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetOutputReportChart

Gets output table data section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetTaskSettingsSection

Gets the settings section content of the task with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idTask (integer:int32, required) – Id of the task.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadFullPdf

Returns pdf file of the output report with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadShortReportPdf

Returns pdf file of the output report with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadSectionPdf

Returns pdf file of the report section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetSectionHtml

Returns pdf file of the report section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetShortReportHtml

Returns pdf file of the report section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/GetFullReportHtml

Returns pdf file of the report section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadReportCsvZip

Returns zip file with csv files of the tables of the output report of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadTableCsv

Returns csv file of the report table with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadSectionCsvZip

Returns zip file with csv files of the tables of the section with the specified id of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

  • idSection (string:guid, required) – Id of the section.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Outputs/DownloadRawData

Returns a zip file of the generated raw data of the output with the specified id.

Query Parameters
  • idOutput (integer:int32, required) – Id of the output.

Status Codes
GET /api/ScopingTypes/Get

Returns a collection of the scoping type definitions available in the toolbox.

Status Codes
GET /api/UnitDefinitions/Get

Returns a collection of the unit definitions available in the toolbox.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/Get/{id}

Returns the task with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the task.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/GetWorkspaceTasks/{idWorkspace}

Gets all tasks of a workspace.

  • idWorkspace (integer:int32, required) – The id of the workspace.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Tasks/UpdateDescription/{id}

Updates the task description.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the task.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/GetTaskLog/{id}

Retrieves the latest tasklog of the task with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the task.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Tasks/ScheduleTask/{idAction}

Starts a calculation task for the given action and returns the id of this task.

  • idAction (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action from which the task should be spawned.

Status Codes
POST /Api/Tasks/ScheduleSubTask/{idAction}

Starts a concentration model calculation task for the given project and returns the id of this task.

  • idAction (integer:int32, required) – The id of the action.

Query Parameters
  • actionType (required) – The type of the sub-module of the action.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/GetProgress/{taskId}

Returns the progress of the specified task.

  • taskId (integer:int32, required) – Id of the task.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/GetActiveTaskStatuses/{idWorkspace}

Gets the statuses of all active tasks of a workspace.

  • idWorkspace (integer:int32, required) – Id of the workspace.

Status Codes
PUT /Api/Tasks/Abort/{id}

Aborts the execution of the task with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The id of the task.

Status Codes
DELETE /Api/Tasks/Delete/{id}

Deletes the task with the specified id.

  • id (integer:int32, required) –

Status Codes
DELETE /Api/Tasks/BatchDelete

Deletes the tasks with the specified ids.

Query Parameters
  • ids (array) – The ids of the tasks that should be deleted.

Status Codes
GET /Api/Tasks/DownloadTaskZip/{id}

Download a zip file containing the task’s settings and data at the time of the task’s creation. The task’s settings and data sources are deserialized from the ProjectSettings and DataSourceSettings fields

  • id (integer:int32, required) – The ID of the task

Status Codes
GET /api/StandardActionTypes/Get

Returns a collection of the standard action type definitions available for the user.

Status Codes
GET /api/ActionClasses/Get

Returns a collection of the action class definitions available in the toolbox.

Status Codes