
Concentrations data are analytical measurements of chemical substances occurring in food samples. In their simplest form, concentration data can just be used as provided by datasets. Optionally, concentrations data can be manipulated for active substances, extrapolated to other foods, and/or default values can be added for water.

This module has as primary entities: Foods Substances

Output of this module is used by: Single value concentrations Occurrence patterns Concentration models Modelled foods

Concentrations as data

Concentration data can be entered using the internal, relational data format or using the EFSA SSD format. Depending on the settings, the entered concentration data can be pre-processed for conversion to active substances, extrapolation to other foods, and/or default values can be added for water.

Inputs used: Focal food concentrations Food extrapolations Substance conversions Deterministic substance conversion factors Relative potency factors Substance authorisations Active substances Concentration limits

Settings and Tiers