Food conversion settings

Calculation settings

Table 120 Calculation settings for module Food conversions.
Name Type Description
Allow conversion using processing info


Warning, the processing step is deprecated and is currently only maintained for backwards compatibility reasons. See documentation for more details how processed foods are converted in the upgraded conversion algorithm. Step 2a: try to find the code in the processing table. Try to find the code in the FoodTranslation table (step 3a) to account for weight reduction/increase (translation proportion). If unchecked (default), processing table is ignored. If successful, restart at step 1.
Allow conversion using food translations


Step 3a: try to find food translations for the current food (i.e., the ingredients of a composite food). This may result in one or more food codes for ingredients, and the iterative algorithm will proceed with each of the ingredient food codes in turn.
Allow conversion using TDS food sample compositions


Step 3b: try to find the code in the TDS food sample compositions table (idFood), a default translation proportion of 100% is assumed. The iterative algorithm will proceed with a TDS food (column idTDSFood) sample.
Allow conversion using food extrapolations


Step 3c: try to find read across codes. If unchecked, read across table is ignored, default is ‘Use read across info’. E.g. for pineapple no measurements are found but by specifying that pineapple is converted to FruitMix (with a default proportion of 100%), the TDS sample concentration value of FruitMix will be used for pineapple (as-eaten or as ingredient). If successful, restart at step 1.
Allow conversion using market shares


Step 4: try to find subtype codes, e.g. ‘xxx$*’ in the market shares table.
Allow marketshares not summing to 100%


Specify whether to rescale market share percentages that do not sum to 100%. If checked, then foods with marketshares not summing to 100% are allowed. If not, then these foods are ignored in the analysis.
Allow conversion to supertypes


Step 5: try to find supertypes, e.g. ‘xxx$yyy’ is converted to ‘xxx’ (optional, check box if you want to use this). If checked, allows for linkage of consumed foods coded at a lower hierarchical level to foods with measured concentrations at a higher hierarchical level e.g. consumed is Apple (code PF$Apple) –> measured is Pome Fruit (code PF). Note: food codes are split on ‘$’. Measurements of substances on food are available at a less detailed food coding level than consumption data. MCRA allows to use the concentration data of a supertype for all underlying food codes. If successful, restart at step 1.
Allow conversion using default processing factors


Step 6: remove processing part. If unchecked, no default processing factors are assumed, default is ‘Use default processing factors’. If successful, restart at step 1.
Conversion is substance independent


Conversion of foods is independent of the substance.