Exposure mixtures settings

Calculation settings

Table 117 Calculation settings for module Exposure mixtures.
Name Description
Sparseness parameter
Sparseness parameter. Value between 0 (not sparse, many substances) and 1 (sparse, few substances).
Number of mixtures
The number of mixtures.
Maximum number of iterations, e.g. 1000.
Seed for pseudo-random number generator.
Random seed for initialising matrix W and H.
Substance weighting
Risk based (exposures in equivalents of the reference substance) or standardised (standardised exposures per substance have mean 0 and variance 1).
Convergence criterion
Convergence criterion for factorisation algorithm.
Cutoff MCR
For selection of individual(day) exposures with maximum cumulative ratio (MCR = total exposure/maximum) above the cutoff.
Cutoff percentage in population ranked on total exposure
For selection of individual(day) exposures above the cutoff percentage in the set of individual(day)s ranked on total exposure.
Target level
Select to express hazard characterisations at external or internal exposure level. For an aggregate assessement, that is dietary and nondietary exposure data are combined, the target dose level is always internal. When only dietary exposures are available, the target dose level is optional, i.c. external or internal.