Aggregate exposure assessment


The goal of this exercise is to assess aggregate exposure assessment.


If you haven’t done so, in the workspace browser (use the icon), create a new workspace named Examples, using the .

The data files used in the example(s) in this section, are located in the data folder Documentation-Examples / Exercise Aggregate Exposure Assessment.

Example 1

  • In the Examples workspace, create a new action (using )

    • Then select Show all action types, select Exposures

    • Name it exposures

    • At Exposure settings choose:

      • As Risk type Chronic

      • Check Include dietary and non-dietary routes of exposure

    • Press Create

  • Then go to the Actions settings of this action (path: Exposures)

    • At Scope, click Effects (path: Exposures / Effects)

      • At Effects data source with browse to the file Effect - Steatosis.xlsx and Select

      • At Effect settings for Focal effect select Steatosis-liver and press Save Changes

      • In the green navigation bar, click Exposures to go up one level

    • At Scope, click Foods (path: Exposures / Foods)

      • At Foods data source with browse to the file Foods.xlsx and Select

      • In the green navigation bar, click Exposures to go up one level

    • At Scope, click Substances (path: Exposures / Substances)

      • At Substances data source with browse to the file Substances.xlsx and Select

      • At Substance settings

        • for Index substance select Cyproconazole and press Save Changes

      • In the green navigation bar, click Exposures to go up one level

    • At Inputs, click Dietary exposures (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures)

      • At Inputs, click Consumptions by modelled food (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food)

        • At Inputs, click Consumptions (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food / Consumptions)

          • At Consumptions data source with browse to the file Consumptions.xlsx and Select

          • At Consumptions data selection with open the food consumption surveys selection.

            • The file contains two surveys, but only one is allowed. So deselect everything by clicking on the first line, next to the word Code

            • Now select DNFCS_2003 and press Save (the red warning should now be gone)

          • In the green navigation bar, click Consumptions by modelled food to go up one level

        • At Inputs, click Food conversions (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food / Food conversions)

          • At Inputs, click Foods as measured (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food / Food conversions / Foods as measured)

            • At Inputs, click Concentrations (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food / Food conversions / Foods as measured Concentrations)

              • At Concentration data source with browse to the file ConcentrationData.xlsx and Select

              • In the green navigation bar, click Food conversions to go up two levels

          • At Inputs, click Food recipes (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Consumptions by modelled food / Food conversions / Food recipes)

            • At Food recipes data source, with browse to the file FoodRecipes.xlsx and Select

            • In the green navigation bar, click Dietary exposures to go up three levels

      • At Inputs, click Concentration models (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Concentration models)

        • At Inputs, click Relative potency factors (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Concentration models / Relative potency factors)

          • At Relative potency factors data source with browse to the file RelativePotencyFactors.xlsx and Select

          • In the green navigation bar, click Dietary exposures to go up two levels

      • At Inputs, click Processing factors (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Processing factors)

        • At Processing factors data source with browse to the file ProcessingFactors.xlsx and Select

        • In the green navigation bar, click Dietary exposures to go up one level

      • At Inputs, click Active substances (optional) (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Active substances)

        • At Inputs, click Points of departure (path: Exposures / Dietary exposures / Active substances / Points of departure)

          • At Points of departure data source with browse to the file HazardDoses - Triazoles.xlsx

          • In the green navigation bar, click Dietary exposures to go up two levels

      • At Dietary exposure settings, for Dietary exposure calculation tier select EFSA 2012 Optimistic, and press Save Changes

      • In the green navigation bar, click Exposures to go up one level

    • At Inputs, click Non-dietary exposures (path: Exposures / Non-dietary exposures)

      • At Non-dietary exposures data source with browse to the file NonDietaryExposures.xlsx and Select

  • Now run the model, by pressing the run icon in the grey bar.

Try to find the following results:

  1. Exposure percentiles daily intakes with uncertainty bounds

  2. Substance with highest contribution to the total exposure distribution

  3. The food-as-measured with the highest contribution to the upper tail of the exposure distribution

Example 2

In this example we will elaborate on the previous one with kinetic models.

  • Go to the Actions settings of this action (path: Exposures)

    • At Inputs, click Kinetic models (default) (path: Exposures / Kinetic models)

      • At Kinetic models data source with browse to the file UserGroupDemo-KineticModelsArtificial.xlsx and Select

      • At Kinetic model settings for Kinetic model select Cosmos Version 5

  • Now run the model, by pressing the run icon in the green bar.