Available kinetic models
Physiologically based kinetic (PBK) models, or kinetic models for short, are mathematical representations of the animal or human body aimed at describing and predicting the time course distribution of chemicals in tissues and organs. Those internal dose metrics can usefully replace external exposure dose in the derivation of the quantitative dose-response relationships and following risk assessments. PBK models can simulate both internal doses from exposure scenarios (forward dosimetry) and external dose from biomonitoring data (reverse dosimetry).
The following generic PBK models are currently implemented in MCRA:
The MCRA interface allows to run PBK models for any number of days and supplies an option to skip an initial number of days (build-up phase PBK model) in the calculation of the internal exposure.
In the original bisphenol PBK model of Karrer et al. (2019), doses were applied on fixed time points and only for the first four days. For oral exposure, three dosings per day with t = 0, 6 and 12 h, for dermal exposure to PCPs and TP, two dosings per day with t = 0 and 12 h. The steady state was reached after dosing on four consecutive days. Therefore, the bisphenol PBK model described in Karrer et al. should be run for four days to reached steady state and the number of initial days to be skipped should be set to 0. Note, no dosing is applied from day 5th onwards.
These restrictions were relaxed in a new implementation of the bisphenol PBK model (General Model BPA Re-implementation). In this new version the number of days is unlimited. Dosings are specified through the user interface including the definition on the non-stationary period, see settings kinetic models.
EuroMix Generic PBK (v1)
EuroMix Generic PBK model based on SBML modelling language
Model aliases: EuroMixGenericPbk, EuroMixGenericPbk_V1, Euromix_SBML.
Id | Description | Unit |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
EuroMix Bisphenols PBPK model (v1)
EuroMix Bisphenols PBPK model by Karrer et al. (23 July 2018).
Model aliases: EuroMix_Bisphenols_PBPK_model_V1, PBPKModel_BPA.
Id | Description | Unit |
Dietary |
Dietary exposure |
nmoles |
Oral |
Oral exposure |
nmoles |
Dermal |
Dermal exposure |
nmoles |
Inhalation |
Inhalation exposure |
nmoles |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
CPlasmaOut |
Concentration in plasma |
nmol/L |
CGonadOut |
Concentration in gonads |
nmol/L |
AurinebpaOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA in urine |
nmoles |
AurinegOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA-g in urine |
nmoles |
AurineTotalOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA and metabolites in urine |
nmoles |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
BW |
Bodyweight |
kg |
Physiological |
Cardiac output |
L/min |
Physiological |
QgonadC |
Fractional blood flow to gonads |
Physiological |
QliverC |
Fractional blood flow to liver |
Physiological |
QfatC |
Fractional blood flow to fat tissue |
Physiological |
QbrainC |
Fractional blood flow to brain |
Physiological |
QskinC |
Fractional blood flow to skin |
Physiological |
QmuscleC |
Fractional blood flow to gonads |
Physiological |
VplasmaC |
Fractional volume of plasma |
Physiological |
VfatC |
Fractional volume of fat tissue |
Physiological |
VliverC |
Fractional volume of liver tissue |
Physiological |
VbrainC |
Fractional volume of brain tissue |
Physiological |
VskinC |
Fractional volume of skin tissue |
Physiological |
VgonadC |
Fractional volume of gonads |
Physiological |
VmuscleC |
Fractional volume of muscle tissue |
Physiological |
VrichC |
Fractional volume of richly perfused tissue |
Physiological |
VbodygC |
Distribution volume of BPA-g |
Physiological |
VbodysC |
Distribution volume of BPA-s |
Other |
MW |
Molecular weight |
g/mol |
ChemicalProperty |
pliver |
Partition coefficient liver to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pfat |
Partition coefficient fat to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pslow |
Partition coefficient slowly perfused tissue to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
prich |
Partition coefficient richly perfused tissue to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pgonad |
Partition coefficient gonads to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pbrain |
Partition coefficient brain to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pskin |
Partition coefficient skin to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
geC |
Gastric emptying |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k0C |
Oral uptake from the stomach into the liver |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k1C |
Oral uptake from the small intestine into the liver |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k4C |
Fecal elimination from small intestine after oral administration |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kGIingC |
Transport of glucuronide from enterocytes into serum |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kGIinsC |
Transport of sulfate from enterocytes into serum |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kmgutg |
Km of Glucuronidation in the gut |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxgutgC |
Vmax of Glucuronidation in the gut |
nmol/h/kg bw |
Metabolic |
fgutg |
Correction factor of glucuronidation in the gut |
Metabolic |
kmguts |
Km of Sulfation in the gut |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxgutsC |
Vmax of Sulfation in the gut |
nmol/h/kg bw |
Metabolic |
fguts |
Correction factor of sulfation in the gut |
Metabolic |
met1g |
Fraction of glucuronide in the liver taken up directly into serum (the rest undergoes EHR) |
Metabolic |
met1s |
Fraction of sulfate in the liver taken up directly into serum |
Metabolic |
enterocytes |
Sum of enterocytes weights in duodenum, jejunum and ileum |
L |
Metabolic |
kmliver |
Km of Glucuronidation in the liver |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxliverC |
Vmax of Glucuronidation in the liver |
nmol/h/g liver |
Metabolic |
fliverg |
Correction factor of glucuronidation in the liver |
Metabolic |
kmlivers |
Km of Sulfation in the liver |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxliversC |
Vmax of Sulfation in the liver |
nmol/h/g liver |
Metabolic |
flivers |
Correction factor of sulfation in the liver |
Metabolic |
EHRtime |
Time until EHR occurs |
h |
Metabolic |
EHRrateC |
EHR of glucuronide |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k4C_IV |
Fecal elimination of glucuronide from the EHR compartment |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpaC |
Clearance, urine excretion of parent compound |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpagC |
Clearance, urine excretion of glucuronide |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpasC |
Clearance, urine excretion of sulfate |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
vreabsorptiongC |
Vmax for renal reabsorption of glucuronide |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
vreabsorptionsC |
Vmax for renal reabsorption of sulfate |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kreabsorptiong |
Km for renal reabsorption of glucuronide |
nM |
Metabolic |
kreabsorptions |
Km for renal reabsorption of sulfate |
nM |
Metabolic |
kenterobpagC |
EHR of parent compound due to biliary excretion of glucuronide |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kenterobpasC |
EHR of parent compound due to biliary excretion of sulfate |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
D_o |
oral dose |
ng/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
dose_O |
oral dose |
nmol/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
EoA_O |
Extent of oral absorption |
Physiological |
uptake_O |
amount of oral uptake |
nmol/dosing |
Other |
period_O |
uptake period |
h |
Other |
koa |
uptake rate |
nmol/h |
Other |
t0_O |
time point at which dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t1_O |
time point at which dosing ends |
h |
Other |
D_d |
dermal dose from thermal paper (TP) |
ng/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
EoA_D |
Extent of dermal absorption from TP |
Physiological |
dose_D |
dermal dose from TP |
nmol/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
aHL_D |
Half-life for dermal penetration |
h |
Other |
uptake_D |
amount of dermal uptake from TP |
nmol/dosing |
Other |
period_D |
Uptake period dermal exposure from TP |
h |
Other |
kda |
Uptake rate of dermal exposure from TP |
nmol/h |
Other |
t0_D |
Time points at which dermal dosing from TP starts |
h |
Other |
t1_D |
Time points at which dermal dosing from TP ends |
h |
Other |
D_d2 |
Dermal dose from PCPs |
ng/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
EoA_D2 |
Extent of dermal absorption from PCPs |
Physiological |
dose_D2 |
Dermal dose from PCPs |
nmol/kg bw/dosing |
Other |
aHL_D2 |
Half-life for dermal penetration from PCPs |
h |
Other |
uptake_D2 |
amount of dermal uptake from PCPs |
nmol/dosing |
Other |
period_D2 |
Uptake period dermal exposure from PCPs |
h |
Other |
kda2 |
uptake rate of dermal exposure from PCPs |
nmol/h |
Other |
t0_D2 |
Time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t1_D2 |
time points at which dermal dosing from TP ends |
h |
Other |
QC |
Cardiac output |
L/h |
Other |
Qfat |
Blood flow to the fat tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qliver |
Blood flow to the liver tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qgonad |
Blood flow to the gonads |
L/h |
Other |
Qbrain |
Blood flow to the brain |
L/h |
Other |
Qskin |
Blood flow to the skin tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qslow |
Blood flow to the slowly perfused tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qrich |
Blood flow to the richly perfused tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Vliver |
Volume of the liver |
L |
Other |
Vfat |
Volume of the fat tissue |
L |
Other |
Vgonad |
Volume of the gonads |
L |
Other |
Vplasma |
Volume of the plasma |
L |
Other |
Vbrain |
Volume of the brain |
L |
Other |
Vskin |
Volume of the skin |
L |
Other |
Vslow |
Volume of the slowly perfused tissue |
L |
Other |
Vrich |
richly perfused tissue |
L |
Other |
Vbodyg |
Volume of the distribution for BPAG |
L |
Other |
Vbodys |
Volume of the distribution for BPAS |
L |
Other |
BW075 |
BW^0.75 |
kg^0.75 |
Other |
BW025 |
BW^0.25 |
kg^0.25 |
Other |
vmaxliversCnew |
scaled Vmax of Sulfation of BPA in the liver |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Other |
vmaxliverCnew |
scaled Vmax of Glucuronidation of BPA in the liver |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Other |
vmaxgutgCnew |
scaled Vmax of Glucuronidation of BPA in the gut |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Other |
vreabsorptiong |
scaled vmax of renal resorption of BPAG |
nmol/h |
Other |
vreabsorptions |
scaled vmax of renal resorption of BPAS |
nmol/h |
Other |
EHRrate |
scaled EHR of BPAG |
1/h |
Other |
k0 |
scaled Uptake of BPA from the stomach into the liver |
1/h |
Other |
ge |
scaled Gastric emptying of BPA |
1/h |
Other |
k1 |
scaled Uptake of BPA from small intestine into the liver |
1/h |
Other |
k4 |
scaled Fecal excretion of BPA after oral administration from small intestine |
1/h |
Other |
k4_IV |
scaled Fecal excretion of BPAG from the EHR compartment |
1/h |
Other |
vmaxliver |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA glucuronidation in the liver |
nmol/h |
Other |
kGIing |
scaled Uptake of BPAG from small intestine into serum |
1/h |
Other |
met2g |
Fraction of BPAG formed subject to EHR |
Other |
met2s |
Fraction of BPAS formed subject to EHR |
Other |
kurinebpa |
scaled Clearance of BPA via urine |
L/h |
Other |
kurinebpag |
scaled Clearance of BPAg via urine |
L/h |
Other |
kurinebpas |
scaled Clearance of BPAs via urine |
L/h |
Other |
vmaxlivers |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA sulfation in the liver |
nmol/h |
Other |
kGIins |
scaled Uptake of BPAS from small intestine into serum |
1/h |
Other |
vmaxgutg |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA glucuronidation in the gut |
nmol/h |
Other |
vmaxguts |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA sulfation in the gut |
nmol/h |
Other |
kenterobpag |
scaled EHR of BPA due to biliary excretion of BPAG |
1/h |
Other |
kenterobpas |
scaled EHR of BPA due to biliary excretion of BPAS |
1/h |
Other |
t0_D1_day1 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D2_day1 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D1_day2 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D2_day2 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D1_day3 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D2_day3 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D1_day4 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D2_day4 |
time points at which dermal dosing from Thermal paper starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D21_day1 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D22_day1 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D21_day2 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D22_day2 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D21_day3 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D22_day3 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D21_day4 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_D22_day4 |
time points at which dermal dosing from PCPs starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O1_day1 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O2_day1 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O3_day1 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O1_day2 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O2_day2 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O3_day2 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O1_day3 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O2_day3 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O3_day3 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O1_day4 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O2_day4 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
t0_O3_day4 |
time points at which oral dosing starts |
h |
Other |
ksiLiver |
Ksi of glucuronidation in liver |
nM |
Other |
ksiGut |
Ksi of glucuronidation in gut |
nM |
Other |
age |
age |
30 |
Other |
gender |
gender |
0 |
Other |
QCC_adult_f |
QCC_adult_f |
Other |
QgonadC_adult_f |
QgonadC_adult_f |
Other |
QliverC_adult_f |
QliverC_adult_f |
Other |
QfatC_adult_f |
QfatC_adult_f |
Other |
QbrainC_adult_f |
QbrainC_adult_f |
Other |
QskinC_adult_f |
QskinC_adult_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_adult_f |
QmuscleC_adult_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_adult_f |
VplasmaC_adult_f |
Other |
VfatC_adult_f |
VfatC_adult_f |
Other |
VliverC_adult_f |
VliverC_adult_f |
Other |
VbrainC_adult_f |
VbrainC_adult_f |
Other |
VskinC_adult_f |
VskinC_adult_f |
Other |
VgonadC_adult_f |
VgonadC_adult_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_adult_f |
VmuscleC_adult_f |
Other |
VrichC_adult_f |
VrichC_adult_f |
Other |
VbodygC_adult_f |
VbodygC_adult_f |
Other |
VbodysC_adult_f |
VbodysC_adult_f |
Other |
QCC_adult_m |
QCC_adult_m |
Other |
QgonadC_adult_m |
QgonadC_adult_m |
Other |
QliverC_adult_m |
QliverC_adult_m |
Other |
QfatC_adult_m |
QfatC_adult_m |
Other |
QbrainC_adult_m |
QbrainC_adult_m |
Other |
QskinC_adult_m |
QskinC_adult_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_adult_m |
QmuscleC_adult_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_adult_m |
VplasmaC_adult_m |
Other |
VfatC_adult_m |
VfatC_adult_m |
Other |
VliverC_adult_m |
VliverC_adult_m |
Other |
VbrainC_adult_m |
VbrainC_adult_m |
Other |
VskinC_adult_m |
VskinC_adult_m |
Other |
VgonadC_adult_m |
VgonadC_adult_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_adult_m |
VmuscleC_adult_m |
Other |
VrichC_adult_m |
VrichC_adult_m |
Other |
VbodygC_adult_m |
VbodygC_adult_m |
Other |
VbodysC_adult_m |
VbodysC_adult_m |
Other |
QCC_adolescent_f |
QCC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QgonadC_adolescent_f |
QgonadC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QliverC_adolescent_f |
QliverC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QfatC_adolescent_f |
QfatC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QbrainC_adolescent_f |
QbrainC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QskinC_adolescent_f |
QskinC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_adolescent_f |
QmuscleC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_adolescent_f |
VplasmaC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VfatC_adolescent_f |
VfatC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VliverC_adolescent_f |
VliverC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbrainC_adolescent_f |
VbrainC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VskinC_adolescent_f |
VskinC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VgonadC_adolescent_f |
VgonadC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_adolescent_f |
VmuscleC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VrichC_adolescent_f |
VrichC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbodygC_adolescent_f |
VbodygC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbodysC_adolescent_f |
VbodysC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QCC_adolescent_m |
QCC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QgonadC_adolescent_m |
QgonadC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QliverC_adolescent_m |
QliverC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QfatC_adolescent_m |
QfatC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QbrainC_adolescent_m |
QbrainC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QskinC_adolescent_m |
QskinC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_adolescent_m |
QmuscleC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_adolescent_m |
VplasmaC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VfatC_adolescent_m |
VfatC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VliverC_adolescent_m |
VliverC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbrainC_adolescent_m |
VbrainC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VskinC_adolescent_m |
VskinC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VgonadC_adolescent_m |
VgonadC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_adolescent_m |
VmuscleC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VrichC_adolescent_m |
VrichC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbodygC_adolescent_m |
VbodygC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbodysC_adolescent_m |
VbodysC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QCC_child_f |
QCC_child_f |
Other |
QgonadC_child_f |
QgonadC_child_f |
Other |
QliverC_child_f |
QliverC_child_f |
Other |
QfatC_child_f |
QfatC_child_f |
Other |
QbrainC_child_f |
QbrainC_child_f |
Other |
QskinC_child_f |
QskinC_child_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_child_f |
QmuscleC_child_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_child_f |
VplasmaC_child_f |
Other |
VfatC_child_f |
VfatC_child_f |
Other |
VliverC_child_f |
VliverC_child_f |
Other |
VbrainC_child_f |
VbrainC_child_f |
Other |
VskinC_child_f |
VskinC_child_f |
Other |
VgonadC_child_f |
VgonadC_child_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_child_f |
VmuscleC_child_f |
Other |
VrichC_child_f |
VrichC_child_f |
Other |
VbodygC_child_f |
VbodygC_child_f |
Other |
VbodysC_child_f |
VbodysC_child_f |
Other |
QCC_child_m |
QCC_child_m |
Other |
QgonadC_child_m |
QgonadC_child_m |
Other |
QliverC_child_m |
QliverC_child_m |
Other |
QfatC_child_m |
QfatC_child_m |
Other |
QbrainC_child_m |
QbrainC_child_m |
Other |
QskinC_child_m |
QskinC_child_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_child_m |
QmuscleC_child_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_child_m |
VplasmaC_child_m |
Other |
VfatC_child_m |
VfatC_child_m |
Other |
VliverC_child_m |
VliverC_child_m |
Other |
VbrainC_child_m |
VbrainC_child_m |
Other |
VskinC_child_m |
VskinC_child_m |
Other |
VgonadC_child_m |
VgonadC_child_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_child_m |
VmuscleC_child_m |
Other |
VrichC_child_m |
VrichC_child_m |
Other |
VbodygC_child_m |
VbodygC_child_m |
Other |
VbodysC_child_m |
VbodysC_child_m |
Other |
EuroMix Bisphenols PBPK model (v2)
EuroMix Bisphenols PBPK model by Karrer et al. (2019).
Model aliases: EuroMix_Bisphenols_PBPK_model_V2, PBPKModel_BPA_Reimplementation.
Id | Description | Unit |
Dietary |
Dietary exposure |
nmoles |
Oral |
Oral exposure |
nmoles |
Dermal |
Dermal exposure |
nmoles |
Inhalation |
Inhalation exposure |
nmoles |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
CPlasmaOut |
Concentration in plasma |
nmol/L |
CGonadOut |
Concentration in gonads |
nmol/L |
AurinebpaOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA in urine |
nmoles |
AurinegOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA-g in urine |
nmoles |
AurineTotalOut |
Cumulative excretion of BPA and metabolites in urine |
nmoles |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
BW |
Bodyweight |
kg |
Physiological |
Cardiac output |
L/min |
Physiological |
QgonadC |
Fractional blood flow to gonads |
Physiological |
QliverC |
Fractional blood flow to liver |
Physiological |
QfatC |
Fractional blood flow to fat tissue |
Physiological |
QbrainC |
Fractional blood flow to brain |
Physiological |
QskinC |
Fractional blood flow to skin |
Physiological |
QmuscleC |
Fractional blood flow to gonads |
Physiological |
VplasmaC |
Fractional volume of plasma |
Physiological |
VfatC |
Fractional volume of fat tissue |
Physiological |
VliverC |
Fractional volume of liver tissue |
Physiological |
VbrainC |
Fractional volume of brain tissue |
Physiological |
VskinC |
Fractional volume of skin tissue |
Physiological |
VgonadC |
Fractional volume of gonads |
Physiological |
VmuscleC |
Fractional volume of muscle tissue |
Physiological |
VrichC |
Fractional volume of richly perfused tissue |
Physiological |
VbodygC |
Distribution volume of BPA-g |
Physiological |
VbodysC |
Distribution volume of BPA-s |
Other |
pliver |
Partition coefficient liver to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pfat |
Partition coefficient fat to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pslow |
Partition coefficient slowly perfused tissue to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
prich |
Partition coefficient richly perfused tissue to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pgonad |
Partition coefficient gonads to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pbrain |
Partition coefficient brain to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
pskin |
Partition coefficient skin to blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
geC |
Gastric emptying |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k0C |
Oral uptake from the stomach into the liver |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k1C |
Oral uptake from the small intestine into the liver |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k4C |
Fecal elimination from small intestine after oral administration |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kGIingC |
Transport of glucuronide from enterocytes into serum |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kGIinsC |
Transport of sulfate from enterocytes into serum |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kmgutg |
Km of Glucuronidation in the gut |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxgutgC |
Vmax of Glucuronidation in the gut |
nmol/h/kg bw |
Metabolic |
fgutg |
Correction factor of glucuronidation in the gut |
Metabolic |
kmguts |
Km of Sulfation in the gut |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxgutsC |
Vmax of Sulfation in the gut |
nmol/h/kg bw |
Metabolic |
fguts |
Correction factor of sulfation in the gut |
Metabolic |
met1g |
Fraction of glucuronide in the liver taken up directly into serum (the rest undergoes EHR) |
Metabolic |
met1s |
Fraction of sulfate in the liver taken up directly into serum |
Metabolic |
enterocytes |
Sum of enterocytes weights in duodenum, jejunum and ileum |
L |
Metabolic |
kmliver |
Km of Glucuronidation in the liver |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxliverC |
Vmax of Glucuronidation in the liver |
nmol/h/g liver |
Metabolic |
fliverg |
Correction factor of glucuronidation in the liver |
Metabolic |
kmlivers |
Km of Sulfation in the liver |
nM |
Metabolic |
vmaxliversC |
Vmax of Sulfation in the liver |
nmol/h/g liver |
Metabolic |
flivers |
Correction factor of sulfation in the liver |
Metabolic |
EHRtime |
Time until EHR occurs |
h |
Metabolic |
EHRrateC |
EHR of glucuronide |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
k4C_IV |
Fecal elimination of glucuronide from the EHR compartment |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpaC |
Clearance, urine excretion of parent compound |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpagC |
Clearance, urine excretion of glucuronide |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kurinebpasC |
Clearance, urine excretion of sulfate |
L/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
vreabsorptiongC |
Vmax for renal reabsorption of glucuronide |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
vreabsorptionsC |
Vmax for renal reabsorption of sulfate |
nmol/h/kg bw^0.75 |
Metabolic |
kreabsorptiong |
Km for renal reabsorption of glucuronide |
nM |
Metabolic |
kreabsorptions |
Km for renal reabsorption of sulfate |
nM |
Metabolic |
kenterobpagC |
EHR of parent compound due to biliary excretion of glucuronide |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
kenterobpasC |
EHR of parent compound due to biliary excretion of sulfate |
1/h/kg bw^-0.25 |
Metabolic |
koa |
uptake rate |
nmol/h |
Other |
EoA_D |
Extent of dermal absorption from TP |
Physiological |
aHL_D |
Half-life for dermal penetration |
h |
Other |
kda |
Uptake rate of dermal exposure from TP |
nmol/h |
Other |
EoA_D2 |
Extent of dermal absorption from PCPs |
Physiological |
aHL_D2 |
Half-life for dermal penetration from PCPs |
h |
Other |
kda2 |
Uptake rate of dermal exposure from PCPs |
nmol/h |
Other |
QC |
Cardiac output |
L/h |
Other |
Qfat |
Blood flow to the fat tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qliver |
Blood flow to the liver tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qgonad |
Blood flow to the gonads |
L/h |
Other |
Qbrain |
Blood flow to the brain |
L/h |
Other |
Qskin |
Blood flow to the skin tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qslow |
Blood flow to the slowly perfused tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Qrich |
Blood flow to the richly perfused tissue |
L/h |
Other |
Vliver |
Volume of the liver |
L |
Other |
Vfat |
Volume of the fat tissue |
L |
Other |
Vgonad |
Volume of the gonads |
L |
Other |
Vplasma |
Volume of the plasma |
L |
Other |
Vbrain |
Volume of the brain |
L |
Other |
Vskin |
Volume of the skin |
L |
Other |
Vslow |
Volume of the slowly perfused tissue |
L |
Other |
Vrich |
richly perfused tissue |
L |
Other |
Vbodyg |
Volume of the distribution for BPAG |
L |
Other |
Vbodys |
Volume of the distribution for BPAS |
L |
Other |
vreabsorptiong |
scaled vmax of renal resorption of BPAG |
nmol/h |
Other |
vreabsorptions |
scaled vmax of renal resorption of BPAS |
nmol/h |
Other |
EHRrate |
scaled EHR of BPAG |
1/h |
Other |
k0 |
scaled Uptake of BPA from the stomach into the liver |
1/h |
Other |
ge |
scaled Gastric emptying of BPA |
1/h |
Other |
k1 |
scaled Uptake of BPA from small intestine into the liver |
1/h |
Other |
k4 |
scaled Fecal excretion of BPA after oral administration from small intestine |
1/h |
Other |
k4_IV |
scaled Fecal excretion of BPAG from the EHR compartment |
1/h |
Other |
vmaxliver |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA glucuronidation in the liver |
nmol/h |
Other |
kGIing |
scaled Uptake of BPAG from small intestine into serum |
1/h |
Other |
met2g |
Fraction of BPAG formed subject to EHR |
Other |
met2s |
Fraction of BPAS formed subject to EHR |
Other |
kurinebpa |
scaled Clearance of BPA via urine |
L/h |
Other |
kurinebpag |
scaled Clearance of BPAg via urine |
L/h |
Other |
kurinebpas |
scaled Clearance of BPAs via urine |
L/h |
Other |
vmaxlivers |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA sulfation in the liver |
nmol/h |
Other |
kGIins |
scaled Uptake of BPAS from small intestine into serum |
1/h |
Other |
vmaxgutg |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA glucuronidation in the gut |
nmol/h |
Other |
vmaxguts |
rescaled and corrected vmax of BPA sulfation in the gut |
nmol/h |
Other |
kenterobpag |
scaled EHR of BPA due to biliary excretion of BPAG |
1/h |
Other |
kenterobpas |
scaled EHR of BPA due to biliary excretion of BPAS |
1/h |
Other |
ksiLiver |
Ksi of glucuronidation in liver |
nM |
Other |
ksiGut |
Ksi of glucuronidation in gut |
nM |
Other |
age |
age |
30 |
Other |
gender |
gender |
0 |
Other |
QCC_adult_f |
QCC_adult_f |
Other |
QgonadC_adult_f |
QgonadC_adult_f |
Other |
QliverC_adult_f |
QliverC_adult_f |
Other |
QfatC_adult_f |
QfatC_adult_f |
Other |
QbrainC_adult_f |
QbrainC_adult_f |
Other |
QskinC_adult_f |
QskinC_adult_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_adult_f |
QmuscleC_adult_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_adult_f |
VplasmaC_adult_f |
Other |
VfatC_adult_f |
VfatC_adult_f |
Other |
VliverC_adult_f |
VliverC_adult_f |
Other |
VbrainC_adult_f |
VbrainC_adult_f |
Other |
VskinC_adult_f |
VskinC_adult_f |
Other |
VgonadC_adult_f |
VgonadC_adult_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_adult_f |
VmuscleC_adult_f |
Other |
VrichC_adult_f |
VrichC_adult_f |
Other |
VbodygC_adult_f |
VbodygC_adult_f |
Other |
VbodysC_adult_f |
VbodysC_adult_f |
Other |
QCC_adult_m |
QCC_adult_m |
Other |
QgonadC_adult_m |
QgonadC_adult_m |
Other |
QliverC_adult_m |
QliverC_adult_m |
Other |
QfatC_adult_m |
QfatC_adult_m |
Other |
QbrainC_adult_m |
QbrainC_adult_m |
Other |
QskinC_adult_m |
QskinC_adult_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_adult_m |
QmuscleC_adult_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_adult_m |
VplasmaC_adult_m |
Other |
VfatC_adult_m |
VfatC_adult_m |
Other |
VliverC_adult_m |
VliverC_adult_m |
Other |
VbrainC_adult_m |
VbrainC_adult_m |
Other |
VskinC_adult_m |
VskinC_adult_m |
Other |
VgonadC_adult_m |
VgonadC_adult_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_adult_m |
VmuscleC_adult_m |
Other |
VrichC_adult_m |
VrichC_adult_m |
Other |
VbodygC_adult_m |
VbodygC_adult_m |
Other |
VbodysC_adult_m |
VbodysC_adult_m |
Other |
QCC_adolescent_f |
QCC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QgonadC_adolescent_f |
QgonadC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QliverC_adolescent_f |
QliverC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QfatC_adolescent_f |
QfatC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QbrainC_adolescent_f |
QbrainC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QskinC_adolescent_f |
QskinC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_adolescent_f |
QmuscleC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_adolescent_f |
VplasmaC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VfatC_adolescent_f |
VfatC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VliverC_adolescent_f |
VliverC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbrainC_adolescent_f |
VbrainC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VskinC_adolescent_f |
VskinC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VgonadC_adolescent_f |
VgonadC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_adolescent_f |
VmuscleC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VrichC_adolescent_f |
VrichC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbodygC_adolescent_f |
VbodygC_adolescent_f |
Other |
VbodysC_adolescent_f |
VbodysC_adolescent_f |
Other |
QCC_adolescent_m |
QCC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QgonadC_adolescent_m |
QgonadC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QliverC_adolescent_m |
QliverC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QfatC_adolescent_m |
QfatC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QbrainC_adolescent_m |
QbrainC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QskinC_adolescent_m |
QskinC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_adolescent_m |
QmuscleC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_adolescent_m |
VplasmaC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VfatC_adolescent_m |
VfatC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VliverC_adolescent_m |
VliverC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbrainC_adolescent_m |
VbrainC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VskinC_adolescent_m |
VskinC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VgonadC_adolescent_m |
VgonadC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_adolescent_m |
VmuscleC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VrichC_adolescent_m |
VrichC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbodygC_adolescent_m |
VbodygC_adolescent_m |
Other |
VbodysC_adolescent_m |
VbodysC_adolescent_m |
Other |
QCC_child_f |
QCC_child_f |
Other |
QgonadC_child_f |
QgonadC_child_f |
Other |
QliverC_child_f |
QliverC_child_f |
Other |
QfatC_child_f |
QfatC_child_f |
Other |
QbrainC_child_f |
QbrainC_child_f |
Other |
QskinC_child_f |
QskinC_child_f |
Other |
QmuscleC_child_f |
QmuscleC_child_f |
Other |
VplasmaC_child_f |
VplasmaC_child_f |
Other |
VfatC_child_f |
VfatC_child_f |
Other |
VliverC_child_f |
VliverC_child_f |
Other |
VbrainC_child_f |
VbrainC_child_f |
Other |
VskinC_child_f |
VskinC_child_f |
Other |
VgonadC_child_f |
VgonadC_child_f |
Other |
VmuscleC_child_f |
VmuscleC_child_f |
Other |
VrichC_child_f |
VrichC_child_f |
Other |
VbodygC_child_f |
VbodygC_child_f |
Other |
VbodysC_child_f |
VbodysC_child_f |
Other |
QCC_child_m |
QCC_child_m |
Other |
QgonadC_child_m |
QgonadC_child_m |
Other |
QliverC_child_m |
QliverC_child_m |
Other |
QfatC_child_m |
QfatC_child_m |
Other |
QbrainC_child_m |
QbrainC_child_m |
Other |
QskinC_child_m |
QskinC_child_m |
Other |
QmuscleC_child_m |
QmuscleC_child_m |
Other |
VplasmaC_child_m |
VplasmaC_child_m |
Other |
VfatC_child_m |
VfatC_child_m |
Other |
VliverC_child_m |
VliverC_child_m |
Other |
VbrainC_child_m |
VbrainC_child_m |
Other |
VskinC_child_m |
VskinC_child_m |
Other |
VgonadC_child_m |
VgonadC_child_m |
Other |
VmuscleC_child_m |
VmuscleC_child_m |
Other |
VrichC_child_m |
VrichC_child_m |
Other |
VbodygC_child_m |
VbodygC_child_m |
Other |
VbodysC_child_m |
VbodysC_child_m |
Other |
EuroMix Generic PBTK model (v5)
Cosmos version 5 (adapted 9/11/2018)
Model aliases: EuroMix_Generic_PBTK_model_V5, CosmosV4, CosmosV5.
Id | Description | Unit |
Dietary |
Dietary exposure |
mmoles |
Dermal |
Dermal exposure |
mmoles |
Inhalation |
Inhalatory exposure |
mmoles |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
CVen |
Venous blood |
scVBlood |
0.66667 |
mM |
CArt |
Arterial blood |
scVBlood |
0.33333 |
mM |
CFat |
Fat tissues |
scVFat |
mM |
CPoor |
Muscle tissues |
mM |
CRich |
Viscera |
scVRich |
mM |
CLiver |
Liver |
scVLiver |
mM |
CSkin_u |
Viable skin, unexposed |
mM |
CSkin_e |
Viable skin, exposed |
BSA, Height_vs, fsA_exposed |
mM |
CSkin_sc_u |
Skin stratum corneum, unexposed |
mM |
CSkin_sc_e |
Skin stratum corneum, exposed |
BSA, Height_vs, fsA_exposed |
mM |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
BM |
Body mass |
kg |
Physiological |
Body skin surface area |
dm2 |
Physiological |
scVFat |
Fat as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVRich |
Richly perfused tissues (viscera) as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVLiver |
Liver as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVBlood |
Blood as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
Height_sc |
Skin thickness |
decimeter |
Physiological |
Height_vs |
Viable skin |
Physiological |
scFBlood |
Total blood flow per unit mass |
L/h/kg |
Physiological |
scFFat |
Fat fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFPoor |
Poorly perfused tissues (muscles) fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFLiver |
Liver fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFSkin |
Skin fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
Falv |
Alveolar ventilation rate |
L/h |
Physiological |
mic |
Microsomal proteins content |
mg/gr liver |
Physiological |
PCAir |
Partition coefficient: blood over air |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_PCFat |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: fat over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aPoor |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: muscle over blood (poorly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aRich |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viscera over blood (richly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aLiver |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: liver over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aSkin |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viable skin / blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aSkin_sc |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viable skin / stratum corneum |
PartitionCoefficient |
Kp_sc_vs |
Diffusion rate from stratum corneum to viable skin |
decimeter/h |
Metabolic |
Ke |
Renal excretion rate |
L/h |
Metabolic |
Michaelis |
Flag for Michaelis-Menten vs linear metabolism (0 = linear) |
Metabolic |
Vmax |
Maximum rate of metabolism |
mmoles/h/L liver |
Metabolic |
Km |
Michaelis-Menten constant |
mM |
Metabolic |
Hepatic clearance |
Metabolic |
fup |
Unbound fraction in blood |
Metabolic |
Frac |
Fraction absorbed by the gut |
Metabolic |
kGut |
Oral 1st order absorption rate constant |
1/h |
Metabolic |
Cinh |
Inhalation |
Other |
Tinh |
Inhalation duration |
Other |
OralDose |
mmol |
Other |
DermalDose |
mmol |
Other |
fSA_exposed |
Fraction of skin surface area actually exposed |
Metabolic |
FBlood |
Blood flow |
Other |
FFat |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FPoor |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FRich |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FLiver |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FSkin |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VFat |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VRich |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VLiver |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VSkin_e |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VSkin_u |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VSkin_sc_e |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VSkin_sc_u |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VBlood |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VPoor |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VArt |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VVen |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FSkin_e |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
FSkin_u |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
PCFat |
Partition coefficient: fat over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCPoor |
Partition coefficient: muscle over blood (poorly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCRich |
Partition coefficient: viscera over blood (richly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCLiver |
Partition coefficient: liver over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCSkin |
Partition coefficient: viable skin / blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCSkin_sc |
Partition coefficient: viable skin / stratum corneum |
PartitionCoefficient |
ResampledPCFat |
Resampled value PCFat |
PartitionCoefficient |
EuroMix Generic PBTK model (v6)
Cosmos version 6 (received 3/27/2019)
Model aliases: EuroMix_Generic_PBTK_model_V6, CosmosV6.
Id | Description | Unit |
Dietary |
Dietary exposure |
mmoles |
Dermal |
Dermal exposure |
mmoles |
Inhalation |
Inhalatory exposure |
mmoles |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
CTotal |
Total concentration |
mM |
CVen |
Venous blood concentration |
scVBlood |
0.66667 |
mM |
CArt |
Arterial blood concentration |
scVBlood |
0.33333 |
mM |
CFat |
Fat (adipose) tissue concentration |
scVFat |
mM |
CPoor |
Poorly perfused tissue (muscle) concentration |
mM |
CRich |
Richly perfused tissue (viscera) concentration |
scVRich |
mM |
CLiver |
Liver concentration |
scVLiver |
mM |
CSkin_u |
Viable unexposed skin concentration |
mM |
CSkin_e |
Viable exposed skin concentration |
BSA, Height_vs, fsA_exposed |
mM |
CSkin_sc_u |
Skin unexposed stratum corneum concentration |
mM |
CSkin_sc_e |
Skin exposed stratum corneum concentration |
BSA, Height_vs, fsA_exposed |
mM |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
BM |
Body mass |
kg |
Physiological |
Body surface area (internally scaled by an allometric scaling factor s = 70/BM^0.3) |
dm2 |
Physiological |
scVFat |
Fat as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVRich |
Richly perfused tissues (viscera) as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVLiver |
Liver as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
scVBlood |
Blood as fraction of total body volume |
Physiological |
Height_sc |
Skin thickness |
decimeter |
Physiological |
Height_vs |
Viable skin |
Physiological |
scFBlood |
Total blood flow per unit mass |
L/h/kg |
Physiological |
scFFat |
Fat fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFPoor |
Poorly perfused tissues (muscles) fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFLiver |
Liver fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
scFSkin |
Skin fraction of total blood flow going to compartments |
Physiological |
Falv |
Alveolar ventilation rate |
L/h |
Physiological |
mic |
Microsomal proteins content |
mg/gr liver |
Physiological |
PCAir |
Partition coefficient: blood over air |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_PCFat |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: fat over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aPoor |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: muscle over blood (poorly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aRich |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viscera over blood (richly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aLiver |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: liver over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aSkin |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viable skin over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
log_aSkin_sc |
Scaled parameter, partition coefficient: viable skin stratum corneum over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
Kp_sc_vs |
Diffusion rate from stratum corneum to viable skin |
decimeter/h |
Metabolic |
Ke |
Renal excretion rate |
L/h |
Metabolic |
Michaelis |
Flag for Michaelis-Menten vs linear metabolism (0 = linear) |
Metabolic |
Vmax |
Maximum rate of metabolism |
mmoles/h/L liver |
Metabolic |
Km |
Michaelis-Menten constant for metabolism |
mM |
Metabolic |
Hepatic metabolic clearance |
Metabolic |
fub |
Unbound fraction in blood |
Metabolic |
Frac |
Fraction absorbed by the gut |
Metabolic |
kGut |
Oral 1st order absorption rate constant |
1/h |
Metabolic |
Cinh |
Inhalation |
Other |
Tinh |
Inhalation duration |
Other |
OralDose |
mmol |
Other |
DermalDose |
mmol |
Other |
fSA_exposed |
Fraction of skin surface area actually exposed |
Metabolic |
FBlood |
Blood flow |
Other |
FFat |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to the fat |
Other |
FPoor |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to poorly perfused tissues |
Other |
FRich |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to richly perfused tissues |
Other |
FLiver |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to the liver |
Other |
FSkin |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to the skin |
Other |
VFat |
Scaled parameters |
Other |
VRich |
Scaled parameters, richly perfused tissue volume |
Other |
VLiver |
Scaled parameters, liver volume |
Other |
VSkin_e |
Scaled parameters, exposed skin volume |
Other |
VSkin_u |
Scaled parameters, unexposed skin volume |
Other |
VSkin_sc_e |
Scaled parameters, stratum corneum exposed skin volume |
Other |
VSkin_sc_u |
Scaled parameters, stratum corneum unexposed skin volume |
Other |
VBlood |
Scaled parameters, blood volume |
Other |
VPoor |
Scaled parameters, poorly perfused tissue volume |
Other |
VArt |
Scaled parameters, arterial blood volume |
Other |
VVen |
Scaled parameters, venous blood volume |
Other |
FSkin_e |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to exposed skin |
Other |
FSkin_u |
Scaled parameters, blood flow to unexposed skin |
Other |
PCFat |
Partition coefficient: fat over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCPoor |
Partition coefficient: muscle over blood (poorly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCRich |
Partition coefficient: viscera over blood (richly perfused tissue) |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCLiver |
Partition coefficient: liver over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCSkin |
Partition coefficient: viable skin over blood |
PartitionCoefficient |
PCSkin_sc |
Partition coefficient: viable skin / stratum corneum |
PartitionCoefficient |
ResampledPCFat |
Resampled value PCFat |
PartitionCoefficient |
PBK model chlorpyrifos (v1)
PBK model chlorpyrifos (v1)
Model aliases: PBK_Chlorpyrifos_V1.
Id | Description | Unit |
Dietary |
Dietary exposure |
umoles |
Id | Description | ScalingFactor | MultiplicationFactor | Unit |
O_CV |
Venous blood |
VVc |
uM |
O_CP |
Plasma from whole blood |
VVc |
0.6 |
uM |
O_CU |
Uterus tissue |
VUc |
uM |
Cleared renally |
0.03 |
umoles |
O_CS |
Slowly perfused tissue |
umoles |
O_CR |
Richly perfused tissue |
umoles |
O_CF |
Fat |
VFc |
umoles |
O_CL |
Liver |
VLc |
umoles |
O_CK |
Kidney |
VKc |
umoles |
O_CM |
Muscle |
VMc |
umoles |
O_CH |
Heart |
VHc |
umoles |
O_CLu |
Lung |
VLuc |
umoles |
O_CBrb |
Brain blood |
VBrc |
0.05 |
umoles |
O_CBrt |
Brain tissue |
VBrc |
0.95 |
umoles |
O_CBr |
Brain total |
VBrc |
umoles |
O_CA |
Arterial blood |
VAc |
umoles |
Id | Description | Default | Unit | Type |
VLc |
Fraction liver tissue of BW |
0.0257 |
Physiological |
VFc |
Fraction fat tissue of BW |
0.2142 |
Physiological |
VLuc |
Fraction lung tissue of BW |
0.0076 |
Physiological |
VAc |
Fraction arterial blood of BW (0.074*1/4) |
0.0198 |
Physiological |
VVc |
Fraction venous blood of BW (0.074*3/4) |
0.0593 |
Physiological |
VKc |
Fraction kidney tissue of BW |
0.004 |
Physiological |
VMc |
Fraction muscle tissue of BW |
0.04 |
Physiological |
VUc |
Fraction uterus tissue of BW |
0.0018 |
Physiological |
VBrc |
Fraction brain tissue of BW |
0.02 |
Physiological |
VHc |
Fraction heart tissue of BW |
0.0047 |
Physiological |
QLc |
Fraction of blood flow to liver |
0.227 |
Physiological |
QFc |
Fraction of blood flow to fat |
0.052 |
Physiological |
QKc |
Fraction of blood flow to kidneys |
0.175 |
Physiological |
QMc |
Fraction of blood flow to muscle |
0.12 |
Physiological |
QUc |
Fraction of blood flow to uterus |
0.2 |
Physiological |
QBrc |
Fraction of blood flow to brain |
0.114 |
Physiological |
QHc |
Fraction of blood flow to heart |
0.04 |
Physiological |
Molecular weight |
350.59 |
g/mol |
PhysicoChemical |
MWM1 |
Molecular weight |
334.52 |
g/mol |
PhysicoChemical |
MWM2 |
Molecular weight |
198.43 |
g/mol |
PhysicoChemical |
LogPP |
Octanol/water partition coefficient |
4.784 |
PartitionCoefficient |
LogPM1 |
Octanol/water partition coefficient |
3.894 |
PartitionCoefficient |
LogPM2 |
Octanol/water partition coefficient |
1.856 |
PartitionCoefficient |
Fa |
Fraction absorbed. Obtained from Nolan 1984 |
0.7 |
Metabolic |
KaS |
Absorption constant stomach. Obtained from Timchalk et al. 2002 (stomach; /h) |
0.00000733 |
/h |
Metabolic |
KaI |
Absorption constant intestine. Obtained from Timchalk et al. 2002 (intestine; /h) |
1.00033 |
/h |
Metabolic |
KsI |
Absorption constant (transfer stomach to intestine). Obtained from Timchalk et al. 2002 (transfer stomach to intestine; /h) |
0.967749 |
/h |
Metabolic |
fuP |
Unbound fraction in plasma. Obtained from SimCyp |
0.021 |
Metabolic |
fuM1 |
Unbound fraction in plasma. Obtained from SimCyp |
0.15 |
Metabolic |
fuM2 |
Unbound fraction in plasma. Obtained from SimCyp |
0.082 |
Metabolic |
B/P ratio obtained from Hsu, 2013. If no data available, set to 1 |
1.3 |
Metabolic |
BPM1 |
B/P ratio obtained from Hsu, 2013. If no data available, set to 1 |
2.7 |
Metabolic |
BPM2 |
B/P ratio obtained from Hsu, 2013. If no data available, set to 1 |
1 |
Metabolic |
KurineP |
Urinary excretion rate constant (/h) |
0 |
/h |
Metabolic |
KurineM1 |
Urinary excretion rate constant (/h) |
0 |
/h |
Metabolic |
KurineM2 |
Urinary excretion rate constant (/h) |
0.026 |
/h |
Metabolic |
CYPabundanceCYP1A2 |
CYP1A2 abundance (pmolCYP/mg protein) ;(calculated based on database in Simcyp; sum of EM, PM and UM) |
52 |
Metabolic |
CYPabundanceCYP2B6 |
CYP2B6 abundance (pmolCYP/mg protein) ;(calculated based on database in Simcyp; sum of EM, PM and UM) |
15.8 |
Metabolic |
CYPabundanceCYP2C19 |
CYP2C19 abundance (pmolCYP/mg protein) ;(calculated based on database in Simcyp; sum of EM, PM and UM) |
5.4 |
Metabolic |
CYPabundanceCYP3A4 |
CYP3A4 abundance (pmolCYP/mg protein) ;(calculated based on database in Simcyp; sum of EM, PM and UM) |
137 |
Metabolic |
Scaling factor CYP1A2 ISEF (Vmax) (non compound-specific) (calculated based on probe incubation, lab specific) |
0.072 |
Metabolic |
Scaling factor CYP2B6 ISEF (Vmax) (non compound-specific) (calculated based on probe incubation, lab specific) |
0.476 |
Metabolic |
Scaling factor CYP2C19 ISEF (Vmax) (non compound-specific) (calculated based on probe incubation, lab specific) |
0.209 |
Metabolic |
Scaling factor CYP3A4 ISEF (Vmax) (non compound-specific) (calculated based on probe incubation, lab specific) |
0.107 |
Metabolic |
Scaling factor of human liver microsome in mg to gram liver (mg microsomal protein /g liver) (Al-Malahmeh, A. J et al., 2017) (Barter et al., 2007) |
32 |
mg/g |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP1A2mP1 |
Vmax of CYP1A2 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
3.963 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP2B6mP1 |
Vmax of CYP2B6 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
7.755 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP2C19mP1 |
Vmax of CYP2C19 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
2.744 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP3A4mP1 |
Vmax of CYP3A4 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
17.78 |
Metabolic |
KmCYP1A2P1 |
Affinity constant of CYP1A2 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
0.61 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP2B6P1 |
Affinity constant of CYP2B6 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
0.14 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP2C19P1 |
Affinity constant of CYP2C19 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
1.89 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP3A4P1 |
Affinity constant of CYP3A4 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
29.77 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP1A2mP2 |
Vmax of CYP1A2 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
2.957 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP2B6mP2 |
Vmax of CYP2B6 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
5.492 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP2C19mP2 |
Vmax of CYP2C19 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
17.51 |
Metabolic |
VMaxCYP3A4mP2 |
Vmax of CYP3A4 at supersome level (pmol/min/pmol CYP) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
23.86 |
Metabolic |
KmCYP1A2P2 |
Affinity constant of CYP1A2 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
1.25 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP2B6P2 |
Affinity constant of CYP2B6 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
1.28 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP2C19P2 |
Affinity constant of CYP2C19 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
1.37 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
KmCYP3A4P2 |
Affinity constant of CYP3A4 (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined using supersomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
18.13 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
VMax3c |
Maximum velocity constant (nmol/min/ml plasma) (Experimentally determined using microsomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
37.98 |
nmoles/min/ml |
Metabolic |
Km3 |
Affinity constant (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined) |
627.9 |
Metabolic |
VMax4c |
Maximum velocity constant (nmol/min/ml plasma) (Experimentally determined using microsomes, Chen et al., 2022) |
1844 |
nmoles/min/ml |
Metabolic |
Km4 |
Affinity constant (umoles/L) (Experimentally determined) |
289.8 |
umoles/L |
Metabolic |
BW |
70 |
kg |
Physiological |
Additional kinetic models can be implemented, please contact the MCRA administrator.