Consumptions calculation
The consumptions module offers a number of options and filters that specify how the consumption data should be included in the assessment.
After including individual properties for defining a population in the populations panel an option becomes available Match consumption data to population definition options. Use all populations definitions (default), ignore all populations definitions or use a selection of properties to define the population.
When individual sampling weights have been recorded in the data, the option ignore sampling weights specifies whether sampling weights are ignored or not in all calculations.
It is possible to restrict to consumptions of specific foods.
Depending on the exposure type (acute or chronic), the individuals (chronic) or individual-days (acute) can be filtered in several ways. It is possible to restrict the consumers or consumer days to consumers that consume or consumer days with a consumption. Use option consumers or consumer days only, and only consumers or consumer days with consumption of specific (focal) products are selected.
For a chronic dietary or risk assessment (OIM, LNN or BBN), the individuals with less than N surveys days may be filtered out. Check setting Exclude individuals with less than N days, then./ option N (number of days in survey) appears. Specify a number, all individuals with a number of survey days less than N are filtered out.
In Figure 30 the consumption panel is shown. The setting Match consumption data to population definition is selected as default. All properties that are included in the populations definition are used. See other options for more info.

Figure 30 Consumption and consumption settings.
Consumption settings