Food extrapolations data formats

Food extrapolations

Food extrapolations (or read-across food translations) can be used to specify whether data (e.g, occurrence data) on a food for which this is missing (a data poor food) may be extrapolated from another food for which data is available (read-across food).

Food extrapolations

Food extrapolations are simply specified as combinations of two food codes. One code for the food for the data poor food, and one for the data rich food (or read-across food).

Table aliases: ReadAcrossFoodTranslations, ReadAcrossFoodTranslation, ReadAcrossTranslations, ReadAcrossTranslation, FoodExtrapolations, FoodExtrapolation, RawReadAcrossFoodTranslations.

Table 56 Table definition for FoodExtrapolations.
Name Type Description Aliases Required



The code of the data poor food. I.e., the food for which missing data is allowed to be extrapolated.

IdFoodDataPoor, FoodDataPoor, idFromFood, FromFoodId, FromFood, FoodFrom, Food, IdFood




The code of the read-across food (or data rich food). I.e., the food from which data is used for extrapolation.

IdFoodDataRich, FoodDataRich, IdFoodReadAcross, FoodReadAcross, IdReadAcrossFood, ReadAcrossFood, idToFood, ToFoodId, ToFood, FoodTo
