Unit variability¶
A composite sample for food \(k\) is composed of \(nu_{k}\) units with nominal unit weight \(wu_{k}\). The weight of a composite sample is \(wm_{k} = nu_{k} \cdot wu_{k}\) with mean residue value \(cm_{k}\).
Beta distribution¶
Under the beta model simulated unit values are drawn from a bounded distribution on the interval (0, \(c_{max}\)) with \(c_{max} = nu_{k} \cdot cm_{k}\). The standard beta distribution is defined on the interval (0, 1) and is usually characterised by two parameters \(a\) and \(b\), with \(a>0\), \(b>0\) (see e.g. Mood et al. 1974) [33]. Alternatively, it can be parameterised by the mean
and the variance
or, as applied in MCRA, by the mean \(\mu\) and the squared coefficient of variation
For the simulated unit values in each iteration of the program we require an expected value \(cm_{k}\). This scales down to a mean value \(\mu = cm_{k}/c_{max} = 1/nu_{k}\) in the (standard) beta distribution. From this value for \(\mu\) and an externally specified value for \(cv_{k}\) the parameters \(a\) and \(b\) of the beta distribution are calculated as:
From the second formula it can be seen that \(cv_{k}\) should not be larger than \(\sqrt{nu_{k} -1}\) in order to avoid negative values for \(b\). When the unit variability is specified by a variability factor
instead of a coefficient of variation \(cv_{k}\) then MCRA applies a bisection algorithm to find a such that the cumulative probability
for \(b = a(nu_{k}-1)\).
Sampled values from the beta distribution are rescaled by multiplication with \(cm_{max}\) to unit concentrations \(c_{ijk}\) on the interval \((0, cm_{max}\)).
Lognormal distribution¶
The lognormal distribution is characterised by \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\), which are the mean and standard deviation of the log-transformed concentrations. The unit log-concentrations are drawn from a normal distribution with mean \(\mu = ln(cm_{ik}) - 1/2\sigma^2\). The coefficient of variation \(cv\) is turned into the standard deviation \(\sigma\) on the log-transformed scale with:
The variability factor is defined as the 97.5th percentile of the concentration in the individual measurements divided by the corresponding mean concentration seen in the composite sample. A variability factor \(v\) is converted into the standard deviation \(\sigma\) as follows:
with μ and \(\sigma\) representing the mean and standard deviation of the log-transformed concentrations. So
Solving for \(\sigma\) gives:
with roots for \(\sigma\) according to:
The smallest positive root is taken as an estimate for \(\sigma\).
Bernoulli distribution¶
The bernoulli model is a limiting case of the beta model, which can be used if no information on unit variability is available, but only the number of units in a composite sample is known (see van der Voet et al. 2001). As a worst case approach we may take the coefficient of variation \(cv\) as large as possible. When \(cv\) is equal to the maximum possible value \(\sqrt{nu_{k}-1}\), the (unstandardised) beta distribution simplifies to a bernoulli distribution with probability
for the value 0 and probability
for the value \(c_{max} = nu_{k} \cdot cm_{k}\).
In MCRA values 0 are actually replaced by \(cm_{k}\), to keep all values on the conservative side. For example, with \(nu_{k}\) = 5, there will be 80% probability at \(c_{ijk} = cm_{k}\) and 20% probability at \(c_{ijk} = c_{max}\). When the number of units \(nu_{k}\) in the composite sample is missing, the nominal unit weight \(wu_{k}\) is used to calculate the parameter for unit variability.