Processing factors settings

Calculation settings

Table 129 Calculation settings for module Processing factors.
Name Type Description
Selected tier


Specifies all module settings should be set according to a pre-defined tier or using custom settings.
Apply processing factors


Specified in table ProcessingFactor. If checked, processing factors are applied. Concentrations in the consumed food may be different from concentrations in the modelled food in monitoring programs (typically raw food) due to processing, such as peeling, washing, cooking etc. If unchecked, no processing information is used. This is in most (though not all) cases a worst-case assumption
Use distribution


Probabilistic specifications of processing factors will be used
Ignore processing factors less than 1


This setting will suppress the use of processing factors lower than 1 (it is used in the EFSA 2012 Pessimistic tier).
Use default processing factor for missing processing types


Use default processing factor for missing processing types
Default processing factor for missing processing types (except foods with processing type equal to ‘Unspecified’ (default = 1))


Specify a processing factor for missing processing types. When the processing type is ‘Unspecified’, the default processing factor is equal to 1.

Uncertainty settings

Table 130 Uncertainty settings for module Processing factors.
Name Type Description
Resample processing factors


Specifies whether processing factors are resampled from a parametric uncertainty distribution.